Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Rules of the Texas Democratic Party~2013-2014

After downloading the 28 page document "The Rules of the Texas Democratic Party!2013-2014, I perused the document looking for sections applicable to the vote for a new chairperson, the handling of meetings, etc.

Relative to meetings of the county party is Article I, item 6: "The time and place of all meetings of the Texas Democratic Party at all levels shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons.  Such meetings will be held in places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons."

Here is the rule on Party Officers from Article II, Section A, Point 1:  "All Party Officers shall be residents of the precinct, district or other political subdivision which they represent, and moving residence outside the precinct, district or other political subdivision shall constitute and automatic vacancy."

What constitutes a quorum to hold a meeting?  Article III, Section B., Point 3:  "At all Party Committee meetings other than Conventions, County Executive Committees and Convention Caucuses, 40% of the Committee membership shall constitute a quorum.  If the meeting is to fill a vacancy, however, a majority of the Committee membership shall be required for a quorum as specified in State law."

The makeup of the Executive Committee from Article III, Section E, Point 1(a):  Each county shall have a County Executive Committee composed of a County Chair and one Precinct Chair from each election precinct in the county.

How are these selected?  Point 1(b): "These members shall be elected by majority vote in the Party Primary Election held in even-numbered years.  The County Chair shall be elected by the qualified voters of the county, and the Precinct Chairs by the qualified voters of their respective precincts."

How to fill a vacancy in the County Chair:  Article III, Section E, Point 5(a):  When a vacancy occurs in the office of County Chair, the outgoing County Chair or the Secretary of the County Executive Committee may call a meeting to fill the vacancy at any time after it occurs.  Upon the written request of any Committee member, however the Secretary shall call one for a date not more than 20 days after receiving the request, giving each member notice of the time, place and purpose.  Should a Committee Secretary fail to act after being requested in writing to do so, the State Chair shall call the meeting in like manner.  The officer calling the meeting shall designate a Temporary Chair to preside until the new Permanent Chair is elected.  Did Sylvia Garza-Perez select a Temporary Chair to preside after creating a vacancy by filing for another office?

There were a number of interesting procedural points on the last two pages entitled PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES AT A GLANCE.  For example, if a member wants to complain at a meeting about room noise or temperature the may do so by calling a "point of privilege."  He or she MAY interrupt the speaker.  Their request does not need a second, is NOT debatable or amendable and no vote is required.  


  1. that is the point that some people do not even know the their own party rules.
    The members do not make an effort to know the rules and the CCDP runs all over them.

    1. your right its been going on for years


  2. Some one tell the "Amber Alert" she does NOT have to pay jokel, she just need a place to keep Democratic supplies, and can make the meetings at the VFW where they have the ADA (American with disabilities act) compliance.
    The mercadito does not have ADA access and they are not in compliance, do not worry the building has been reported already.
    Jokel should know this being that he is a so called Realtor.

  3. So what, Jim? What are you going to do about it? NOTHING!!!! LOL!!!

    1. Thank you Jim for keeping the people informed, with rules, appointed pct vs selected pct, you have done more informing the people than what the whole party has done in their lifetime.
      Again Thank you.

  4. It makes no sense for Brownsville to be lead by the Democratic Party. Given its political bias and modus operandi, it should be part of the PRI. Oh wait, it already is.

  5. it should be part of the PRI. Oh wait, it already is.
    HA, HA, HA, HA,
    So right that is why Armando, Aurora y Maso will get toghether in the Matamoros Restaurant to discuss business and bring the cartel orders to BrownTown?
