Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gomez Asks Deputies to Share Half of Their Raise With Supervisors

Constable Abelardo Gomez
As the Cameron County Commissioner's Court met Wednesday morning on the second floor of the Dancy Court Building, they were presented with a surprise request by Precinct 2 Constable Abelardo Gomez to allow half of $1,000 raise due each deputy in his precinct to be shifted to their supervisors.

An anonymous commenter shared this with us Wednesday:

And now Constable Abel Gomez is intimidating his deputies to "VOLUNTARILY" sign a petition that will deduct $500 of their $1000 raise to give himself and his ranking officers a raise in addition to the already $1000 raise they are getting. No joke, this was presented to commissioners court this morning but was tabled pending legal review. We all know this was not done voluntarily, if the deputies dont sign, they will be retaliated against. I thought the united states did not allow dictators. Please public, look into this. 

Sonia Leticia Solis
Calling Cameron County Judge Casco's office, we did learn that such a request by Gomez was submitted, but that it did not include shuffling monies from staff to Gomez himself, but only to his higher ranking officers.  

Interestingly, one of the officers for whom Gomez is soliciting a substantial raise, subsidized by his staff is Steve Berlanga, the son of Sonia Solis, the politiquera recently charged with election violations. Gomez gave the young man a supervisory position and, if his request is found to be legal and is approved by the Commissioners Court, the recent hire will get a substantial raise at the expense of longer tenured staff.  

Gomez may have gotten the idea of redistributing monies voluntarily from Precinct 4 County Commissioner Dan Sanchez, who last year, volunteered to donate $4,000 of his own salary to provide District Clerk Aurora De la Garza and County Clerk Joe Rivera with $2,000 raises each.  

While the contribution of monies by Gomez underlings is being considered for its legality, the Commissioners Court did to add two constables to Precinct 2, as well as a dispatcher and assistant auditor.  


  1. Is it time.. to remove him .. extortion but then again he was a Brownsville cheemrh. Supportsrr and that's there style. Maybe Ryan on your side will bat for him.

  2. Official oppression.....I hear some of his guys have already contacted ATTOURNEYS. Tis guy can not stay out of trouble!

  3. He's a piece of shit! He's going down.

  4. Nice catch on Steve Berlanga - Sonia Solis' son - bailiffs are mad as hell - I can only hope they contact the FBi about what they were forced to sign - apparently intimidation is how Abelardo is going to run the show.

    Bobby WC

  5. Esta pendejo este vato ? He needs to go work for the Fire Chief.

  6. What are the ranks of the "high ranking" officers? Are yhe ranking officers civil service employees? If so, aren't they required to take a promtional exam? Can you please look into this.

  7. I conduct business everyday at the courthouse. Today i saw something rare, there was a young deputy constable standing guard by the rear gate of the courthouse. This young man was outside, standing guard without a rain coat, just an umbrella all day long. It was the same young man out there all day long. Could this be possible retaliation in response to the recent salary dispute?? All I know is that the deputy could've been better equipped by his department, does anybody know?

  8. (ll I know is that the deputy could've been better equipped by his department, does anybody know?)

    It's up to the officer to prepare him/herself for whatever comes during their shift. Let's just say, been there/done that.

    1. The department should have the correct gear it is issued by the Constable, or the supervisors. I can just imagine must have been soaking wet, due to all the rain we had these last weeks. Lack of leadership in dispursing uniforms or extra gear needed. Maybe they will get rain coats with the deductions from the deputies next year. Those are the ones that break backs for you and you want to steal a little more from their salary. How about the Constable gives his side job money to his supervisors???
