Sunday, June 23, 2013

After Sarkis Defeat: "Brownsville Is Really, Really Screwed!"

Debbie Portillo
The mood post-election at Saga Enterprises, the place of business of Martin Sarkis was somber, actually emotional. Several who had worked in the campaign seemed genuinely sad for the city.  "Brownsville is really, really screwed!" was one noteworthy comment.

The lament expressed was that, in young Debbie Portillo, Mayor Tony Martinez  now had another automatic vote on the City Commission, making for ultra-smooth sailing in his poorly-thought-out giveaway of city assets to whatever satellite entity of the merged university settles in Brownsville.  A key winner too is United Brownsville, the shadowy, unelected board assuming ever-increasing control while, at the same time, losing some of its funding as some in Cameron County government and the Brownsville Independent School District have finally started to see through the scam and halted the annual stipend.

Of course, there was the anomaly of Portillo winning the early vote handily, while Sarkis did the same on election day.  That almost never happens.  One theory floated was that it finally dawned on voters very late that Tony Martinez was trying to give away one of the city's prized assets, City Plaza, to the University of Texas system and thus voted for Sarkis on election day.  One operative observed:  "Many city workers I talked to in the last week were really pissed, not only that Martinez was giving away City Plaza and sending them to the rundown Casa del Nylon, but that he was trying to orchestrate the firing of City Manager Charlie Cabler and forcing into retirement Chief Financial Officer Pete Gonzalez.  That moved them to vote for Sarkis on election day."

At an adjacent table were some Brownsville's firefighters and an experienced political advocate.  They searched for some glimmer of hope while facing the reality of an unbalanced City Commission.  "I really think John Villarreal may speak up more in his second term.  The first time around, he simply didn't want to make waves since he may want to run for something else later and will need support," opined one man at the table.

"You know who surprised us and has shown some signs recently of independent thinking?  Estela Chavez-Vasquez.  When Fire Chief Lenny Perez went before the commission after the retirement of Fire Marshall Ben Nunez to try to eliminate the Fire Marshall position, she questioned him.  Perez claimed he wasn't eliminating the position, but going to cover it in another way.  She said:  'Look, I'm an attorney.  I can read.  Your directive says you are eliminating the position.'  What Perez was trying to do is give the job to one of his cronies without the merit test.  Can you imagine what insurance companies would do if a city had no Fire Marshall?"

There seems to be a consensus that, with the election of Portillo, Martinez now has three certain votes to implement the United Brownsville agenda:  Rose Gowen, Estela Chavez-Vasquez and Portillo.  Tony will gleefully break the tie.

"Ricardo Longoria, while he initially supported Tony, is now against giving away City Plaza as is John Villarreal and Tetreau.  Longoria, though, has tired of being on the commission.  He may run for something else before his term expires," stated a politico.


  1. There are approximately 1,200 City employees. If these people employed by the City would have went out and voted to save their jobs, which will probably now be lost to privatization of City Departments by the Martinez majority, they could have swayed the election handily. They obviously did not care about whats to come and/or are ignorant to whats about to come, or Sarkis would have received their 1,200 votes. For those who did not vote, I have no sympathy for you when you lose your jobs.

    1. "...They obviously did not care about whats to come and/or are ignorant to whats about to come,..." Folks were dealing with LOW INFORMATION democRATS...HELLO!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Let the dismantling of the City begin. Goodbye Charlie Cabler, goodbye Pete Gonzalez, goodbye to each of the City departments one by one, goodbye City Plaza! The people of Brownsville will wish they had voted in Sarkis when this all happens, too late now.

  3. what a fucking crybaby you are, Barton. Get over it, dude. You lost. Again. LOL!!!

    1. Jake. (Ralph Garcia - ICE agent)June 23, 2013 at 10:20 AM

      I second that. LOL!!!


    2. "LOL"?

      Who let these twelve year-olds out?

  4. Who cares. Hated dealing with that city. Laziest employees ever. The opposite of progressive thinking.

    1. "...The opposite of progressive thinking..." WELL DUH LOW INFORMATION democRAT VOTERS!

  5. Those who care, have their hands tied... Those that don't know better are bending over for Da Mayor and will take it deep. And "Da Mayor", unfortunately, is glad to give it to whoever he can. This is the guy you voted for people... and now you just want to stay quiet and take it? Why the F would "Da Mayor" give away City Plaza???? How in the world can he be allowed to do so without any resistance? This is insanity if he is allowed to do so... Let's do something about it. I'm glad that Commissioner JT is not on that idiot parade.

  6. Lets recall the mayor tony martinez and deborah portillo.

  7. Just received a parking ticket and will have to go to the Municipal Court on Levee..... There is lots of parking but if the Municipal Court is moved to Casa de Nylon.....will there be public parking, or any parking???? The answer is NO!

  8. This city will never "recall" anyone. In Brownsville, we don't just accept corruption, we demand it.

    1. LOL, so true, very true.

    2. When people don't vote, they get what they deserve: A few oligarchy of mafioso families and there cronies running(or not running) the city as they see fit. Apathy creates corruption. And who could blame these morons for doing what ever the hell they want to do? Nobody votes! We in Brownsville are a banana republic. We are North Matamoros. Que lastima.

  9. The voters in Brownsvillle are just morons, plain and simple. Tony and his team are opportunistic pathogens. They see an opprtunity, infect the vulnerable host,take all they can and the leave the carcass to further rot into obscurity.
    Way to go team, way to go.

    1. Nice to know what you think of the voters of Brownsville. Morons because they did not vote for your candidate you mean right, or even the ones that did vote for your sap?

  10. Yeah, Brownsville is screwed. We coulda had a shady Mexican, possibly a narco, on the commish. Nah, I think I'll take my chances with the barfly.

  11. Brownsville is screwed and has been for many years. That fact is no big news flash. When it comes to city commission matters, maybe Miss Portillo will vote of her own free will and not as Tony Martรญnez' s puppet as everyone keeps saying. Only time will tell.
