Sunday, May 5, 2013

U.S. Land Grab of Mexican Territory in War of 1847 Based On a Lie

Boundaries of Mexico Before War of 1847

My teenage niece, who lives in Brownsville, lists her location on Facebook as "occupied Mexico," possibly being aware of the unjustified U.S. invasion of Mexico in 1847 which resulted in a huge land grab by the aggressor and in Mexico losing half of its territory.  The War of 1847 is called by an historian "the first war based on a presidential lie," obviously well before the U.S. invaded Iran because of non-existent "weapons of mass destruction."

James K. Polk, the U.S. president at the time, made up some nonsense about American citizens being killed in the region, which he referred to as "American territory."  

CBS Sunday Morning ran a piece on 5/5/2013 called "America's Forgotten War" detailing the current viewpoint of Mexican citizens, Americans who spoke out against that war and the general ignorance on the part of most U.S. residents of this portion of their country's history.  

Since the program mentioned Abraham Lincoln as one who opposed the invasion of Mexico, I found thiis Lincoln quote:

"When the war began, it was my opinion that all those who, because of knowing too little, or because of knowing too much, could not conscientiously approve the conduct of the President, in the beginning of it, should, nevertheless, as good citizens and patriots, remain silent on that point, at least till the war should be ended. Some leading democrats, including Ex President Van Buren, have taken this same view, as I understand them; and I adhered to it, and acted upon it, until since I took my seat here; and I think I should still adhere to it, were it not that the President and his friends will not allow it to be so."

Ulysses S. Grant, who participated in the invasion of Mexico later wrote in his memoirs:  

"I do not think there was ever a more wicked war than that waged by the United States on Mexico."

With the current discussion over revamping our immigration policies, it's instructive to note that if not for a war based solely on greed, much of the United States would still be part of Mexico.  Judging by the map above, the states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and part of Texas were originally part of Mexico.  


  1. The problem with the Mexican War is that the Nuecces River was the boundery between the Republic of Texas and Mexico. It also was the boundary between the Mexican state of Nuevo Santander and the Provincias Internas before Texas began a Republic. In other words, the Nueces River had and has a long history as being the boundary between Mexico and the US. The US invaded Mexico by crossing the Nueces River and started the war. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo should have placed the boundary at the Nueces River but the Mexicans were bought off. Today, the Nueces River is the de facto border, anyway you cut it.

    1. My American History college professor called the land grabbing, good old American greed.

    2. You can call the Nueces river the de facto border if you want, although the Rio Grande is the "de jure" border with Mexico and it has been for over 160 years.

      It would be silly anyway to assume that Mexico or for that matter the United States would be better off now if the de jure border was the Nueces.

  2. Jim,

    Santa Ana signed away all land up to the Rio Grande, he back tracked when he thought he could take back the land. The Mexican apologists, like you, want us to give back the lands. Everything Mexico has touched has turned to excrement. Maybe you and Nena should be repatriated with Mexico. You are traitor in the eyes of true Americans.


    1. Dagoberto,

      Since neither of us were born in Mexico, we can't be repatriated. To be repatriated means to restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin. In other words, Dagoberto, you're an imbecile.


    2. Dagoberto, Jim and Nena have every right to express their views in any subject matter, excuse me, "it is called freedom of speech".
      You are wrong on this one.

    3. LOL! Jim, just tell him to go back to panhandling with his buddies at the Price road overpass.

    4. Then we need to deport you and your wetback wife to Mexico. We don't need more liberal bums like you littering downtown. You're the imbecile for saying American soldiers were not slaughtered on their own land. You're as evil as the Mexican monkeys that committed that brutal slaughter.


    5. So, how about the panhadling on Price road? Do you admit it? You old fuck. Lol.

    6. Yes, Dagoberto has a right to demonstrate himself as an imbecile or moron or halfwit: take your pick.

  3. Thank You Jim,many people don't know the truth about the Mexican-American War and your enlightenment in this matter is very refreshing. It only shows you are open minded and a well verse gentleman.

  4. No one is mentioning the fact that the native people of Mexico, the Mayans and Incas for example, actually had their land occupied by Mexico. Good old Mexican greed right?

    1. So, then it's ok, If Mexico and the US do it?

    2. Anything is OK if an American or other legal president says so, even if it is a lie. God Bless America.

  5. I wasn't aware of the "land grabbing" until I saw the CBS Sunday morning piece, this past Sunday. In view of this information, I feel strongly that the mexican people should be allowed to come and go freely, and to stay in this country as long as they wish, since we stole it from them, and it is in principle theirs. Of course, the USA is infamous for stealing what we want, case in point our native american history. Oh my, our naton under God, isn't and hasn't been very godly!!!!!

  6. Give back the Black Hills.



From the editor: We wrote recently our objection to candidates using an elderly or even challenged person as a stand-in to hold up campaign ...