Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Did City Manager Cabler Temporarily Block the Sossi-Martinez Rape of Brownsville Taxpayers?

City Manager Charlie Cabler
We learned today that Tony Martinez may very well have been thwarted in his effort to attend President Obama's inauguration on the Brownsville taxpayer dime.  Evidently, City Manager Charlie Cabler refused to pay the request for funds for both Martinez and City Commissioner Estela Vasquez-Chavez, despite pressure from City Attorney Mark Sossi to do just that.

We've also heard that Martinez is livid, wanting both City Manager Cabler and Chief Financial Officer Pete Gonzalez terminated for attempting to stifle Martinez reckless spending of Brownsville taxpayer dollars.

King Tony
Martinez was able, though, to get a city check written to cover an Austin firm's charges including airfare, hotels and meals for $28,000 to get recommendations that might entice UTB to consider staying downtown.  The mayor along with the City Commission also used Brownsville taxpayer money to speculatively purchase 3.5 millions in assorted properties in the downtown in the pie-in-the-sky hope that UTB or whatever it becomes would agree to locate one of its satellite campuses in the downtown.  Funny how the mayor does not give an excrement about Brownsville unless it somehow involves UTB.


  1. Tony Martinez, like Fred Rusteburg, Michael Putegnant, the Kardenas Klan, Eduardo Campriano, Eddie Rodriguez, and others just carry water for Queen Juliet, in support of her self-serving power mongering. Juliet was one who entice Tony to run for office (which he will surely never do again) and he, like Father Armand Matthew, remain radical proponents of anything Juliet desires. Juliet wanted something (downtown campus) for nothing, and Tony tried to use our tax dollars to make that happen. The Kardenas Klan has property east of Rancho Viejo and they hope to get tax dollars to locate UTB there. Tax dollars will pay, but the Kardenas Klan profit. Tony Martinez is a slave to Juliet Garcia, and she is pissed that she lost to TSC. "A woman scorned" is very dangerous...but she has her "friends" like Tony Martinez taking the hits for her.

  2. Cabler knew that he screwed up in paying for the 28 grand invoice. H knew that he had done wrong. Now he wants to wash away his sins by rejecting to pay the trips to the Obama Swearing in,...pathetic. Shame on the Mayor and his puppet Estela Chavez for wanting to take a vacation on the tax payer's dime.



, Walking into the  Roy De los Santos event last evening at the 1848 BBQ/Beer Garden , I encountered blogger  Jerry McHale holding court fr...