Sunday, December 9, 2012

What New Election Administrator Must Do to Break Election Fraud Cycle

Ernie Hernandez
Even with Roger Ortiz riding off into the proverbial sunset, the obvious, massive voter fraud practiced and prevalent in Cameron County will not automatically disappear.  Ortiz leaves behind within the county electoral process a corrupt system that includes handpicked election judges, poll workers and ballot caretakers who knowingly, willingly cooperate with politiqueras.  It is a system MOST of the elected public officials in Cameron County have utilized including the county judge and county sheriff.

The candidates for Election Administrator will be considered by the  Cameron County Election Commission at 8:30 AM in the Commissioner Court Room in the Dancy Building.  Jules Frapart, Chris Davis, Lucia Garcia, Charley Kidder, Juan Ortiz, Rolando Tamayo, Robert Mendoza and Tad Hasse have submitted applications for the position.

No one could ever convince me that Ortiz was arithmetic-challenged.  Roger himself told me he once worked with tax assessment, where columns of figures have to match up and business inventory factors into taxes owed.  Prior to assuming the supervision of local elections, Ortiz was overseer of a janitorial crew.  Waxes, cleaners and mop heads had to be ordered.  Employees had to be scheduled and paid, all numbers-associated skills.

Election Judge Arcelia Villalon
Conferring with Gomez Campaign
During Polling Hours
While Roger made vote counting seem difficult, mind-numbing, nearly impossible to achieve accurately, the actual arithmetic is grade school level, needing only a careful system of simple checks and balances.  The number of voters should equal the number of votes.  The number of Republican voters added to the Democratic voters should equal both counts.  All precincts should be checked off and accounted for.   Republican and Democratic vote totals in each precinct have to match the total votes for that precinct.  There are so many ways to check, cross check and check again to avoid embarrassing and confidence-killing recounts.

While Cameron County vote totals have lacked accuracy, they have also been among the slowest to be released.  The system of securely picking up ballot boxes and expediting them to the Election Office has to be refined.  We don't need a kid with an unsecured ballot box stopping to shop at H.E.B. before delivering his critical cargo.  Perhaps the underutilized constables can be involved in this pickup, signing for sealed boxes at each polling place and delivering them to the office.

Linda Dragustinovis
The way election judges are chosen and trained needs to be re-examined.  Acting Democratic Party Chair Jared Hockema selected Los Fresnos resident Linda Dragustinovis as Election Judge at Benevides Elementary despite her P.A.C., Bringing Brownsville Change receiving contributions from Carlos Masso and her close association with the Erin H. Garcia campaign.  Arcelia Villalon, the Cameron Park Election Judge was seen openly cavorting with members of the Abelardo Gomez campaign during polling hours.  Disturbing reports came out of the Christ the King polling place with respect to poll watchers being ignored and disrespected when they tried to report violations.

The new Election Administrator will also need a pro-active stance with regard to educating the management and staff at adult day care and nursing facilities and the city high-rise for the elderly.  Issues of liability and improper transport of the elderly, infirm and mentally-challenged need to be addressed as well as proper handling of such voters, if indeed delivered to the polling place.  A minivan is not a polling facility.  The proper handling of mail-in ballots and mail-in ballot applications has to be uniformly addresssed.  When the election code allows a candidate to pick up 25 ballot applications, a non-candidate 10, why in the hell does the Cameron County Elections Office allow an unlimited number of applications to be xeroxed or handwritten?

The hiring process beginning Monday for a new Election Administrator will be critical to preserving or possibly reinstating the democratic process in Cameron County, but the implementation of safeguards is even more critical.


  1. Those pictures are scary and ugly, especially the one at of Ernie and Is that a man with a bandana? I hope the election commitee does not hire someboby they could easily manipulate and threatn to fire if they don't look the other way when the voter fraud is happening right in front of their noses. I feel Chris Davis has the most integrity of them all and he doesn't need the money to survive and he could stand his ground. I hope he gets the job. Tad Hasse is always looking for popularity and he will be easily manipulated by the Hernandez and the Castros.

    1. Chris Davis association with questionable individuals makes him the least desirable for the job.

  2. Good points on Hasse. A thousand politiqueras couldn't get him elected in Cameron County. The voters smell his toxin 100 yards from the polling place. Ted is a talker, not a doer. He would make Roger Ortiz look like Administrator of the Year. Why go backwards while trying to go forward, sink when you can swim, replace incompetence with the insufferable. Just say "no" to Hasse for the collective good!

    1. Do not be gachos and try to do character assassination to Tad, he is the most honorable candidate compared to all the rest.

  3. "AnonymousDecember 9, 2012 11:31 AM
    Those pictures are scary and ugly, especially the one at of Ernie and Is that a man with a bandana? I hope the election commitee does not hire someboby they could easily manipulate and threatn to fire if they don't look the other way when the voter fraud is happening right in front of their noses. I feel Chris Davis has the most integrity of them all and he doesn't need the money to survive and he could stand his ground. I hope he gets the job. Tad Hasse is always looking for popularity and he will be easily manipulated by the Hernandez and the Castros."

    signed Zeke Silva

  4. Hey, Jim, all it takes is the votes of the Dumbocratice members of the selection committee and they have a majority. The Dumbocrates don't want a person based on experience, education or integrity.....its all about replacing Roger Ortiz with another person who will continue to allow the voter fraud and election corruption that has plagued this county for too long. We cannot expect the "best" man for the job to be selected; only the "best" man for the Dumbokratic Party (a person who will toe the Party line and do what he is told by the party) to be selected. The citizens lose greed, corruption and unethical people.

  5. Hey, Jim, all it takes is the votes of the Dumbocratice members of the selection committee and they have a majority. The Dumbocrates don't want a person based on experience, education or integrity.....its all about replacing Roger Ortiz with another person who will continue to allow the voter fraud and election corruption that has plagued this county for too long. We cannot expect the "best" man for the job to be selected; only the "best" man for the Dumbokratic Party (a person who will toe the Party line and do what he is told by the party) to be selected. The citizens lose greed, corruption and unethical people.

    Agree, Roger Ortiz replacement is on the fix, for a bigger puppet.

  6. Zeke Silva is one smart man. He has called every election winner and he called Chris Davis as the best person for the job of Elections Administrator. He was once again correct. It is about time somebody had the balls to stand up to the Hernandez and the Cult Leader Group Brownsville Cheezmeh. We need more people to say no more to corruption and take a stand even if it means getting drug through the mud by these so called watch dog groups that are easily bought with a bucket of beer and nachos. Jessica T and Erin will be ONE TERM elected officials.

    Erasmo Castro

    1. Zeke, you are so transparent. A least Jessica t. And Erin can get on a ballot and win elections. You will NEVER be able to say that now will you? Thank GOD

    2. Did somebody strike a nerve Erin Hernandez?

  7. Chris Davis is the best candidate

  8. Did Chris Davis has a very close relationship with Melisa Zamora?

  9. AnonymousDecember 10, 2012 9:40 PM
    Did Chris Davis has a very close relationship with Melisa Zamora?

    He has a close relationship with your mom idiot.

    1. As long as Chris Davis stays away from the Hernandez clan who cares if he's close to Melissa!

    2. Yes Mary Helen...we get your obsession with the hernandez's. the difference between ou and them is that your stupid ass has been arrested...TWICE

  10. How do the Andrades and "Aweful" Abel Gomezzzzz get a pass on all of these stories when their picture is the one everyone prints when it comes to voter fraud? I'm surprised these cabrones aren't in jail. Word is they are working to stay out of jail!!

  11. and the Hernandezes have been avoiding being arrested for 30 years. it will catch up with them sooner or later, and their crimes are not the kind that get a few days but a few years
