Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cameron County Election Commission Undermines Clean Elections

Much like a negligent parent who allows a child to be in harm's way or fails to respond to an imminent threat to that child's safety and security, the Cameron County Election Commission, collectively and individually stand guilty of killing the democratic process in our county.

While two elections in the last three years have produced sworn testimony of blatant voter fraud, we have not heard  any concern or outcry from the entity sworn to protect the process.  Much like the unfit parent in the orange jumpsuit, the commission not only shows no remorse, but consistently looks for loopholes, excuses and specious reasoning to justify the inaction.

Roger Ortiz
Perhaps no one has ever worked harder to find reasons for not doing his job than election administrator Roger Ortiz.  Ortiz is the ultimate hypocrite, entrusted with protecting the sanctity of a process, while diligently making certain that process stays dirty, tainted, corrupted and unfair.  As reported in the El Rrun Rrun blog, Roger again deftly used legalese to sidestep the 18 specific questions from CAVA, Citizens Against Voter Abuse, he promised at the blogger conclave on election fraud he would answer in writing.  Of course, that should be no surprise to the Election Commission who know Ortiz is not about clean elections as they are not.

Sylvia Garza-Perez

Sylvia Garza-Perez, the County Democratic Chair designate, is perhaps one of a handful of people in Cameron County who would not be an upgrade from the corrupt Gilberto Hinojosa in that role.  Perez, the niece of Herminia Becerra, the "Queen of the Politiqueras",  has blatantly defended the use of politiqueras in comments published on this blog, then cowardly threatened to sue when those comments were published.  And this is a person who will soon be on a body commissioned to protect the democratic process in Cameron County.  Heaven help us!

County Clerk Joe Rivera and Tax Assessor Tony Yzguirre are totally silent about the obvious election fraud continuously perpetrated in the county and sworn to in two recent court cases.  Comfortable in their long held positions, with many relatives and friends placed on the county payroll, why should they be outraged at a system that fosters their re-election?  They simply refuse to bite the hand that feeds them.

Republicans Carlos Cascos and Frank Morris, County Judge and County Chair respectively, might have an obvious role in distinguishing themselves from the Democrats named above who are satisfied with the corrupt status quo, but they have not stepped forward.

It might only take one news conference, one interview, one righteously indignant, carefully worded statement to start the ball rolling to protect Cameron County's endangered child, but none charged with that protection will lift a finger.  They should all be fitted with orange jumpsuits.


  1. Due to tne fact that the next election is a federal election, can't there be a request for a federeal monitor?

  2. Mr. Clupper, Erin is your attorney and she is the one who stole the election, ask her to steal it for you

  3. Don go walk around the mall some more and think of something smarter to say please.

  4. People do as people do where they live. that may sound too esoteric for the Mexicans, but I've always said a culture sets the tone for a peoples' actions. Here, corruption is - and always has been - a part of the electoral equation. Like it or not, that's what we have. It's the Ol' "When in Rome..." thing. Any outsider wishing to move here and seek political office is soon forced to play the local game. It is set in stone, son. You can't play - or win! - if you wish to play by other rules. The players are in place and the system is rigged. Let's all repeat that: "THE PLAYERS ARE IN PLACE AND THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED!" Now, get on with your wishful thinking.

    Rey Guevara

    1. Mescalero, The Real OneSeptember 20, 2012 at 5:19 PM

      Guevara! What you do - luck into some good wine? ja ja ja ja ja Good comment, ese!!!


    2. Rey, you cannot refer to another person as "son", it is more cultured if you use the term "lad".

      Henry Miller Lite

    3. THE PLAYERS ARE IN PLACE AND THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED!!! That's my mantra, bola de malcriados. THE PLAYERS ARE IN PLACE AND THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED!!! Repeat after me.


  5. You don't make a request like that through an attorney. You have to go through the US Attorney General's office. They would only take a request like that from a group. Jim could do that if he wanted to.

  6. information is coming in about butch barbosa and the mastermind ernie hernandez. the three amigos past is going to make cata look real pretty. compare the three amigos thieves to cata and cata will come out smelling like a rose. yes mr. clupper please do not divide the votes in favor of the rats hernandezes,butch barbosa is the hernandezes puppet and he will help ernie put his hand in the bisd cookie jar just like he did in the city and now in the county. a vote for barbosa or clupper is like helping ernie norma erin and the cheeseme.

  7. more like master klutz Ernie Hernandez

    someone in their family will soon be wearing the famous orange TDC jumpsuit

  8. I'd vote for Cata over a Hernandez puppet, talk about low class

  9. Why does Sylvia Garza Perez have 4 chins? FAT DISGUSTING!!!



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