Monday, June 11, 2012

The New Abel Limas International Dictionary of Legal Terms for Use in South Texas

Deposed judge Abel Limas continues to amaze the courtroom in the trial of Ray Marchan with his verbal elasticity.  Actually, several words have been given expanded, or in some cases, more precise meanings with Limas testimony.

Doubtless, many of the new uses will, over time, be incorporated, not only into current legal language, but into everyday speech by south Texans.  Here are just a few examples likely to be included in a new dictionary to be completed with "word-perfect" on an institutional computer.  

bribe   (brahyb)  noun;  money or other valuable consideration received from former attorney Ray Marchan with a view to corrupting behavior.

gift  (gift)  noun:  something given voluntarily by former Brownsville Mayor Eddie Trevino to make a gesture of assistance.

kick.back  (kik-bak)  noun;  percentage of income received from former attorney Oscar de la Fuente for having made the income possible.

loan  (lone)  noun;  other money received from former attorney Oscar de la Fuente  when he was "flush" to help Limas, money Limas fully intends to pay back.


  1. As of today de la Fuente is (still) a lawyer.

  2. dela Fuente, like father like son, both ratas!!!

  3. 2DEJAMEENCHUFARMEA2VIEJAJune 13, 2012 at 2:24 AM

    (father like son, both ratas!!!)

    But are they DEMOCratas?


  4. Bribes pervert justice. One day it will all end. Here is more on Judge Lima
