Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Erin Hernandez Garcia Campaign Receives Big Boost from Houston

As the May 29 primary nears and with early voting starting in less than a week on May 14, the Erin Hernandez Garcia candidacy is pulling out all the stops. Did you expect any less from the Hernandez's?

The Hernandez's have added a highly visible operative to their campaign. No, not another politiquera, but a woman who's real name is likely Josephina Canales Auten, although she has numerous aliases. On Facebook she is generally known as Scarlett O'Hara. She currently resides in Houston, although in recent days, she's been a prominent part of Erin's events.

Ms. Canales is the former daughter-in-law, long divorced from the first son of Mike Begum, now deceased. When Ms. Begum declared her candidacy for Justice of the Peace, District 2-2, Canales resurfaced, allegedly attempting to extort money from the Begums, threatening to say nasty things about them otherwise.

At the time of the attempted extortion, Alex Begum released this public statement:

by Alex Begum

"I love social media and the great uses it allows. Like everything else, there is a good and a bad, particularly in politics.

Every candidate running for office endures mixed public comments in politics. However, traditional media usually utilizes fact checking, interviews both sides and presents the issues to the viewer. With the advent of social media, none of this occurs. As such, many things that are written are wholly incorrect or just complete fabrications.

Unfortunately, my late half brother's ex-wife has crept up and attempted to extort my mother. This lady who goes by the screen name of Scarlett O'hara is really Josefina Canales. She has also gone by numerous married names including Josefina Auten, Josefina Myhre and Josefina Begum. She claims to have gone to Harvard on her Facebook, although she never attended this college and does not have a college degree. This lady has a long and sordid history.

Recently, she attempted to extort my mother by sending her a Facebook message. She said that if my mother did not pay her, she would bad mouth her on the Internet. Of course, my mother refused to pay her one single penny!

We are in the process of reporting her actions to the authorities and looking at additional legal options.

I guess this is the unfortunate part of wonder why many good folks refuse to run for office. You get these looney people coming out of the woodwork.....


Alex Begum

Of course, now with "Scarlett O'Hara" pictured prominently in the Erin H. Garcia campaign, the plot thickens. Will the Hernandez's attempt to use Ms. Canales to sully the reputation of Yolanda Begum just before the primary? We do not know. That decision will be made by the Hernandez camp.

What we do know is that Ms. Canales faces legal action in Houston. Again, extortion is alleged. We will allow the exact details to come out at trial, although we're told a married man, pictures, attempts to extort with threats of sharing the affair with a wife and co-workers are included in the allegations.

Here is the case reference: Hart Eugene Schleicher vs. Josephina Canales Auten, Cause No. 2011-74258, 165th Judicial District Court, Harris County, Texas. A Temporary Restraining Order is in force.


  1. This lady use to be a prostitute in Brownsville. She is a crazy lady with absolutely zero morality. She will literally do and say anything for money. Her big beef is that Yolanda Begum, whom is not related to her, her kids, or anyone in her family has not given them money. This trashy lady is the ex wife of Mike Begum SR's adopted son, Mike jr. Yolanda Begum has absolutely no relation to this woman or her kids. Why she expects money from the Begum's s anyone's guess.

    1. Who else would back anyone related to Ernie the test taker and the claiche giver the DWI fixer she fits right in.

  2. Josie Auten is a well known Brownsville hood rat. Trashy, cheap, low class are just some of the words that come to mind with her. Those of us who had to endure her know she smells and is always out to see how she can snake a dollar out of you. This hood rat has been known to scam people. Not news that she is involved in two lawsuits involving extortion. Imagine how many more people there are that didn't sue?

    This trash hood rat needs to disappear!

  3. Wow. Sad that Erin the pig Hernandez had to go to the bottom of the barrel for support. These losers deserve each other. What else should we expect from these bottom feeders. No surprise they are hanging out together.

  4. Fina es una prostituta desde hace muchos anos, y hace lo que sea por dinero, abandono a su primer esposo con los 3 ninos y una nina se le murio y ella no estaba porque los habia dejado, luego se caso con el sonso de Michael Begum y tubieron 3 hijos que abandono tambien cuando el grande tenia 5 anos y el chiquito 3 o dos. mike era un drogadicto que no sabia cuidarse el solo y asi dejo a los ninos con el y no le importo, y no habia vide a los ninos por 5 anos cuando se murio Mr. Begum y ella quiso vinir a cobrar herencia que no tenia para que, pues Mike tenia esposa que fue la que crillo a los hijos de ella, cuando murio Mike ella les dijio a Mikey y a Jonathan que ella le iba a quitar todo a la esposa y los otros 4 hijos de Mike y se los llevo para pelear su segun ella herencia, pero pos ya no le quedo mucho a Mikey y Johathan porque ella fue a la corte a pelear y se le acabo el dinero que les iban a dar a ellos peleando, y Mikey le avian dado 250,000.00 dolares para que fuera al colegio y ya no va nomas juega videogames y Jonathan tampoco va
    al colegio. ahora esta viendo como sacar dinero con Mikey, y eso esta muy mal, Mikey es muy smart y por eso iva a estudiar para no causar lastimas, pero ella encontro la manera de decirle a la gente que probecito Mikie que le den dinero, y Mike el papa de los ninos que estan diciendo que era muy trabajador, nunca trabajo y se murio de una sobredosis de drogas. todo lo que ahora quiere es atencion, esta loca

  5. I am related to Fina so I know that she and Mike were using drugs while she was pregnant with Mickey, then she abandoned Mike, Mickey and Jonathan for a pilot from Denmark (that got caught with a plane full of drugs and went to jail) and did not see the children for many years, suddenly when Mike died of an overdose of Heroin and Cocaine in 2009 3 months after his father had passed away, she reappears when she thought there was going to be money. She is fighting for control over Mikel Jr.'s estate and there is no way she can win, she has no right to it, Mike had a wife and 4 more children ranging in age from 15 to 5 years old, and Mike Jr. had absolutely nothing because he was a drug-addict that did not work, what she is fighting for is Michael Begum senior's inheritance to Mike Jr. and for what I understand 1/2 goes to the widow, and the other 1/2 was divided among his 7 children. and Michael Jr. was only 1/4 of Mr. Begum's estate to start with, everything was divided among all his children.

  6. All of you people saying all of this is all lies!! Josie is my aunt and she is nothing like that!! She is caring&loving and im glad she's part of my family! So all of y'all stop hating on my tia!!

  7. April Flores for Mayor!



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