Thursday, April 26, 2012

Villarreal Threatens to Block Next Year's Funding for Earth Fest

This and other blogs have detailed how Brownsville City Commissioner John Villarreal became livid when he noticed Mary Helen Flores of Citizens Against Voter Abuse or CAVA, distributing flyers at Linear Park. Witnesses observed Villarreal order Flores to close her booth which was located next to a booth monitored by the Deputy Sheriffs, who were registering people to vote. We have learned that it was the Deputy Sheriffs who suggested to Flores the idea of manning a
booth At Linear Park during Earth Fest.

We portrayed this incident in a couple of previous articles as a clear violation of the First Amendment. John Villarreal, in a statement sharing his version of the event, admits that he viewed Ms. Flores, not so much as a citizen handing out flyers about voter abuse so much as a supporter of his foe in the last election, Tony Zavaleta, who was distributing political "junk". Merely by bringing up the last election in his handling of this incident, John certifies that he clearly was the one acting in a partisan manner.

For those of us who know both John Villarreal and Mary Helen Flores, we understand that the bad blood between the two did not start in last year's commissioner's race. John has extremely close ties to Ernie and Norma Hernandez and their daughter Erin. John considers them longtime family friends.
Erin Hernandez was initially John's campaign treasurer in his commissioner's race last year.

Mary Helen Flores, on the other hand, has been a thorn in the side of the Hernandez family for several years because of their blatant use of politiqueras to win(some would say steal) elections. Ernie Hernandez himself declared that "there is nothing wrong with the use of politiqueras" in his 2003 run for mayor. Herminia Becerra, recognized as the 'queen of the politiqueras', is frequently seen seated at the Hernandez table at political events, wearing an Erin H. Garcia official badge held up by an "Elect Ernie Hernandez 2010" neckband. All of this history was in play as John used his recently acquired status as a City Commissioner to bully a citizen, a constituent and squelch, suppress and stifle her free speech. . . . . But there's more.

Mary Helen Flores initially asked Villarreal to produce something in writing, some ordinance or city regulation that she was violating, or in absence of that, City Manager Charlie Cabler to cite the ordinance she was violating. John chose a different line of attack. He approached Parks Department official Shannon Guerro asking her assistance in ejecting Flores. Interestingly, Guerro, like Villarreal, is a close friend of the Hernandez's. Guerro's method of handling the situation was to ask Rio Bravo's Joe Boswell to ask Mary Helen Flores to leave. Witnesses state that, by this time, the incident had caught the attention of Earth Fest lead official, Municipal Judge Ben Neece. It was at this point, that Commissioner Villarreal played his trump card in front of Boswell, Neece and others. Villarreal stated in front of the assembled group that because of this "incident," he would vote not to fund Earth Fest next year. What is more, John stated, he had been in contact with Mayor Martinez and fellow Commissioner Melissa Zamora and they both agreed not to fund the event next year

This last escalation of the incident by John Villarreal may have at worst been a misrepresentation or merely a bluff. Melissa Zamora made clear later on the CAVA site that she at least did not agree with Villarreal:

"Just wanted to clarify some misinformation. I fully support and will continue to support the Earthfest activities. I so much enjoyed judging the children's cooking competion on Saturday, and I again attended events on Sunday at Lincoln Park. I personally thanked all the organizers and commended them for a job well done. Not once did I mention Mary Helen or express discontent with the organizers on her passing out fliers. I've always been a strong advocate for free speech, and I also supported the airing of public comment at our meetings." Melissa Hernandez-Zamora


  1. that is a retarded thing for a politician to do.... dounds like a little kid who didn't get his way at the playground and now wants to take his toys home

  2. boy this guy Villarreal is a real wolf in sheep's clothing. beware the candidate who doesn't say much before elected, you never know what's inside that box of chocolates

  3. And the hater Chris Davis the peon he is because villarreal's opponent is a Zavaleta, Davis like a knee jerk robot with less than half an aggie education is automatically in love with the little nazi commissioner from la milpa. sweet davis. davis did you graduagte from college mofo?

  4. It's ok for Commissioner Zamora to run interception for Rene Oliveira and his then girlfriend and throw her weight around as a commissioner there and try to challenge a police officer. THATS OK. But Commissioner Villarreal can't step in and stop someone from passing out biased literature. I have seen the CAVA newsletter, it is so biased anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. Commissioner Villarreal did the right thing. Commissioner Zamora should be more selective about how and when she chooses to open her trap.

    1. You're not thinking logically in trying to use one incident to justify another, sort of circular reasoning.

      You obviously agree with Villarreal interfering with Ms. Flores free speech, but you want to go further by telling Zamora not to use hers. You're obviously not a free speech proponent.

      John's whole handling of this situation was not just immature, but odd. Instead of telling Flores that he could guarantee she wouldn't be allowed to disseminate materials in next year's Earth Fest, John tries to get Earth Fest cancelled.

      Who does that punish? The whole city? The organizers? The earth? It's just a childish approach to things. The whole incident reveals that John is simply not qualified mentally or stable enough emotionally for public office. We never picked up on that before because he is normally so reticent and backward. Now we see the real John.


  5. Melissa Zamora and Mary Helen are buds. Go figure that she would jump to her aid. She did it for Rene Oliveira.

    1. Yes, Voodoo. Partisanship can make us blind. Notice how one-sided your reasoning is. You claim Zamora's response to a situation is based solely on compadreism, but you can't see that Villarreal is merely running interference for the Hernandez's.

      Do you think that if the person in the vendor booth at Linear had not been Mary Helen Flores that John even takes notice? Now, be honest!


    2. Jim, you should really get your facts straight before you run your mouth on your blog. The one that ordered Mary Helen off of the premises was Charlie Cabler the city manager. She was was asked to leave by the Parks and Rec supervisor who was under direct orders from Chris Patterson and Charlie Cabler. But go ahead, keep running your mouth.

    3. Another Hernandez follower who is trying to allow or deny my free speech. You have very impolite way of expressing yourself. BTW, you are totally incorrect.


  6. Regardless of who, if anyone, asked CAVA to vacate the area, John Villareal's tantrum has demonstrated how small of a person he is. His tantrum put his face in the public's eye and shown him to be a bully. As a City Commissioner he has no individual power over citizens of this city. And, the City Manager should not take action based on the tantrum of one city commissioner. John Villareal has clearly shown himself to be petty and revengful. No way to run a city!

    1. John Villareal PWNED by Melissa Zamora. Resign pendejo

  7. Zamora kicked his ass as did Mary Helen Flores. John is one of those rare double douchebags.
