Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes Finds Evidence of Bid Rigging At BISD by Corrupt Escobedo Brothers

The mercurial publisher of the
Brownsville Voice blog, Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, continues his extraordinary investigation of the ongoing corruption at BISD with his latest blog article BISD Bid Rigging Documents in Hand. Wightman-Cervantes states that he will share the documents with the public on Friday. Here is a link to the blog article:

The Cliff Notes version of Bobby's research and source information is that the Jaime Escobedo company could not meet the specs of a bid so
they had the specs altered. A lawyer was paid to write a cover letter for BISD explaining away the change of specs as not actually changing the bid. Since Bobby is a zillion times more thorough in following BISD, I include the above link for further revelations.

Interestingly, in trying to find a pic of Jaime Escobedo(pics of his brother, Fake Doctor Enrique Escobedo are plentiful), I stumbled on this article:

In the article Jaime Escobedo makes the beyond stupid proposal that all BISD teachers be armed. The dufus is proposing this because he is an arms instructor and owns a firing range. His BISD contacts would make him the obvious beneficiary of a mass arming of BISD teachers. This further illustrates how these boys have no scruples. But it also aids in understanding an incident at the City Commission months ago.

Robert C. Luna was getting tongue-tied in his presentation of a sole source bid for the Escobedo brothers AKA American Surveillance for for security cameras at at a city facility. As Luna got totally flustered with the questioning of his presentation, Carlos Garcia, Chief of the Brownsville Police Department came to his defense. He explained that all city facilities utilized the same software. That lame explanation seemed to satisfy the City Commission and the mayor and they voted for awarding the contract to the Escobedo company.

I've tossed and turned at night wondering why the Escobedo brothers get awarded or even considered for contracts with the City of Brownsville, BISD, Cameron County and the Port of Brownsville. Once I understood that Jaime Escobedo owned a firing range and instructed the BPD on the use of firearms, the connection, the cronyism between Carlos Garcia, Charlie Cabler and the City Commission became apparent. Fake Doctor Enrique Escobedo is the BISD tie-in. But, of course, the Escobedo brothers are not satisfied with surveillance contracts, demolition contracts, etc. Recently, they were the sole provider on and expensive generator for the Port of Brownsville.

Oh my god!!!!! The stench!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for putting this out there. These criminals need to be put out of business and behind bars. Exposing this corruption should be the goal of every single taxpayer because we have been ripped off royally. Hats off to Bobby WC for his tireless efforts and to you for joining in the fight.

  2. What happened to the Watch Dog Group, oh we forgot they now have the pet of the day, humping Zeke S. and loving the Hernandez family. Brownsville Jissmah (Elmo) has lost all the focus.

  3. This "business as normal" in Cameron County. It is not just BISD, but all government entities where contracts are let. We probably wil find bid rigging at the Port, the Housing Authority, PUB, and all other entities. The public doesn't seem to care and seems to accept corruption. The public needs to open its eyes and recognize that this is money out of their pockets. But, politicians love an ignorant public that allows corruption to exist.



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