Friday, February 3, 2012

The Man Corrupted by Austinburg


by Jim Barton on Friday, February 3, 2012 at 10:03pm

     Papasito always steered conversations toward Austinburg.  "Do you know where Austinburg is?"  usually sufficed.  Papasito was proud of all of his kids, but proudest of all of the 2nd son who made it good somewhere far away.   "He gets paid fifteen an hour"  the old man would always say as if reciting the unbelievable.  "He's an inventory specialist, probably bossing fifty men.  Austinburg pays more than other places in Texas."

     "You know mi hija that Eduardo is coming home tomorrow?"  asked the old man of his middle-aged daughter.  "Daddy, he prefers to be called Edward now."  "Oh, Eduardo, Eddie, Edward.  I can't keep up con los cambios, mi hija."   "Yes, Daddy, I know.  It's just that he's around the rich people and he wants to fit in.  Should I call Raul and Jorge?"  "No mi hija, I already called them.  I also ordered barbacoa from Mr. Villarreal.  I need you to pick it up in the morning."  "Yes, Daddy."

     Eduardo's car pulled up about 11:00 am.   His brother Raul circled the new car, noticing the "E" decal on the bumper for Enterprise Rental Cars.  He would not tell Daddy.  "Another new car, my son?"  as the two embraced.  "Life is good, no?"  Edward nodded as the two went inside.  "Finally, we are together as a family.  Eduardo, I mean Edward.  Please tell us all how things are in Austinburg."

     Raul's daughter Lupita wearing the "Keep Austinburg Pretentious" t-shirt her uncle had given her for Christmas puts barbacoa and tortillas on the table.  "Eduardo, will you say grace?"  asked the proud father. 


  1. What??????????
    I'm sorry but this has to be your worst "Post"!

  2. not even stoned does it make sense

  3. Has anyone else noticed that if you post anything negative about Masso or Rene on Jerry's blog that he won't post it through? This is a fact. No accident.

  4. Jim, who are you trying to imitate? This is pathetic. Your blog is fast losing traction. plus your writing skills do not aproach that of the top blogs, mchale's, montoya's or, especially, DP-M's. that is clear.

    1. I couldn't agree more, but you must understand that the above-mentioned talents have honed their craft in the blogosphere for a number of years. I'm an upstart with obvious limitations. I may never "aproach" these legends.


      ps: Did you know that DP-M is a published author and from Austin? Mchale is a well-respected renaissance man, poet, musician and educator. Montoya sets the standard for investigative reporting, journalism in south Texas.

    2. (Montoya sets the standard for investigative reporting, journalism in south Texas.)

      Um, no. That would be Bobby and Emma.

    3. Jerry McHale is getting paid by Carlos Masso for him to post positive things about Masso and to defend him as well. He gets paid to post lies about Masso opponents. Jerry has and always be a wanna be, easily bought and Masso has the money from the illegal 8 liner machines bank rolling his campaign. It is on Masso campaign report where he puts down 500.00a month to Jerry McHale for advertising.

  5. Well, at least you acknowledge your limitations, unlike some other bloggers, like Boby Wightman-C and Melissa Zamora, who can't write.


    1. Yes, Rudolph. How can I grow without first acknowledging my smallness?


    2. Small-minded if you really think that McHale is a well-respected renaissance man, poet, musician and educator.
      Just another mamon in the mix.

    3. You have me pegged correctly.


    4. Melissa Zamora can't write, but can she cook? ha ha ha



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...