Monday, August 29, 2011

Robert Silva, Drummer for the Cantinas

     Look for his bicycle or his legendary 70's model Ford Station Wagon with the broken windows, the Viet Nam Vet sticker on the back outside any of the cantinas on 14th Street or the Chicago Club downtown.  Like J.J., the Crescent Moon drummer, Robert can drum anything on a moment's notice:  rock n roll, blues, conjunto, tejano, jazz or country.  He can even spiffy up and play for the Winter Texans although that's not his favorite gig.
     Robert left Brownsville in the very early 60's, traveling with the late Freddy Fender, to play New Orleans.  When Freddy got into some drug trouble in Louisiana and was incarcerated,  Robert came back to Brownsville, found a job at a freight line on Fronton Street where he worked for many years.  Now he mainly just drums and goes to church.  He has his girlfriends who he refers to as "hermanas".  Keep them straight Robert.
     Some may remember Robert for his famous "Cucaracha Song" which is really about his girlfriend Belinda.. 

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