Thursday, March 6, 2025



NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

It's very obvious that Donald Trump wants the U.S. to abandon the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), seemingly Hell-bent on partnering with Vlad Putin's Russia.  

The basic concept of NATO, as stated in Article 5, is that; "an armed attack against one member is considered an attack against all, obligating other members to assist the attacked member, including through the use of armed force." 


Trump claims to not believe NATO would honor this commitment.  Here are Trump's words March 6:

"And you know, the biggest problem I have with NATO … I know the guys very well. They’re friends of mine, but if the United States was in trouble, and we called them, we said, ‘We got a problem. France, we got a problem.’ Couple of others, I won’t mention. Do you think they’re going to come and protect us? They’re supposed to. I’m not so sure.”

Whether intentionally lying or not, Trump is wrong in his contention.  Article 5 has been invoked only once in NATO's history, September 11, 2001 (9/11) when the U.S. was attacked.

On September 12, 2001, the day after the 9/11 attacks, NATO met in an emergency session and immediately invoked Article 5 in support of the United States, dispatching its Airborne Warning and Control System, while launching operations outside the Euro-Atlantic to fight terrorism.

France, Italy, Canada, all sent troops to the war in Afghanistan while Germany disrupted a terrorist cell in it's own country.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan all provided crucial intelligence for the United States. 

Yes, Trump lied about NATO.


  1. Here is a basic problem, Putin and the president of Hungry have already agreed when the war is over Hungry can claim some of Ukraine's territory. If Ukraine defends itself, NATO will have to help Hungry. NATO has big problems. Further Turkey is after our allies in Syria. NATO would have to defend Turkey if our allied attacked Turkey.

  2. Just read Turkey ready to send troops to Ukraine. Before Russia won Crimea from Turkey in 1905, it was part of the Ottoman Empire. I wounder if Ukraine would give Crimea back to Turkey
