Monday, September 9, 2024



Well, Brownsville Dallas Cowboy fans, whaddya think? Did Dak Prescott earn the $272,727,273 he'll make each game for the next four years before taxes, including 17 regular season, 4 playoff games and the Super Bowl?

Dak was somewhat efficient, completing 19 of 32 passes in the Cowboys' 33-17 victory, $14,354,067 per completion.

There's no need to feel sorry for oil and gas billionaire and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, shelling out $240,000,000 to his quarterback for four years play, as he made the bulk of his fortune in one sweetheart deal involving the leasing of thousands of acres of gas/oil rights in Arkansas, then discovering natural gas and selling off his interest to the Arkansas/Louisiana Gas Company.

Someone in the MAGA movement needs to fashion a meme comparing Joe Namath's 1965 salary of $25,000 to Dak Prescott's $60,000,000 and blame the "Harris" administration for the horrendous inflation. (Yes, I know Namath got a $400,000 signing bonus, the largest up to that point, but that was stretched out over 3 years.) 

Speaking of memes, have you noticed those posted on Facebook by Brownsville residents comparing $6.50 gas under Biden-Harris to Trump's $1.79?  Maybe, they're getting their gas at the wrong station as I filled up my Ford Explorer yesterday for $2.81 per gallon.

We were so much better under Lyndon Baynes Johnson, though, as gas was just 25 cents per gallon at every Jiffy Mart in Brownsville in 1969 and the cigarettes I don't smoke were 35 cents per pack.  What a Democrat, that LBJ!

But, back to Dak Prescott, the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop in Sunrise Mall has a supply of Dak Prescott #4 jerseys in stock for $130 each.

"How 'bout dem Cowboys?"

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