Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Like most young folk, my two precocious grandsons, Jack and Felix, learn as much or more from the internet as public school and I suspect they've already heard about our slimy Supreme Court's "F*** You!" to democracy, catering to a con man running for President, giving him substantial immunity from criminal acts.

This particular court's majority seems intent on rolling back reproductive rights, while extolling gun "rights" and turning the American President into a King.

The moral turpitude of this court has been on open display with one of the longer-tenured, Clarence Thomas, openly and unabashedly taking bribe after bribe with no consequence and another sleezeball, Samuel Alito, flying the American flag upside down at his residence in an obvious insurrectionist stance. (The cowardly Alito blames his wife for the unpatriotic display.)

There are no actual "conservatives" today in politics, men and women believing in the rule of law; no Barry Goldwaters, no John Rhodes, no Howard Bakers, just Trump cultists, who follow the dear leader like "Moonies" followed the Reverend Sung Myung Moon and six of them are voting on the Supreme Court.

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