Friday, July 12, 2024



Trump with his mentor, Mafia attorney Roy Cohn

OK.  I get it.  You're tired of me writing about Trump.  But, indulge me.

But, I just want to make one tiny point in a very short article:  the Trump Adminstration was essentially a criminal enterprise, not just because about two dozen administrators were arrested, indicted or jailed, but every aspect was fraudulent.

Trump University was a fraud.

The Trump Foundation was a fraud.

Trump Charities was a total scam.

A judge ordered Trump to pay back $355M in restitution while another judge convicted him of rape with more felonious cases pending. 

In a second Trump administration, convicted felons Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Paul Mannifort and others will be back in some capacity. 

A criminal administration needs criminals in key positions.

Look for the January 6 insurrectionists to play a prominent role, running the F.B.I., the C.I.A. or whatever's left of the Department of Justice.  

Trump Round Two will be a crazy ride, testing the strength of our so-called three branches of government to see if a rogue president can be held in check.  

Oh, don't worry about Trump implementing the craziness of Project 2025, something he himself describes as "radical."

No worries.  You know Trump never lies. You can trust a man who holds up a Bible and kisses the American flag.


  1. Americans love their country...they do not want Trump as president.

  2. Tell us the truth Jimbo. Are you related to the shooter that tried to kill Trump? Are you disappointed that he survived? Do you really think Biden’s government had nothing to do with the attempt? How convenient that the shooter was killed. No questions… nothing to see here. Now the criminal democrats will go after their own and attempt to un alive Biden and blame it on Trump supporters. Tell us…. Jumbo

    1. You're certainly a troll posing as a Trumper as I refuse to believe anyone is THAT stupid. As for your feeble attempt at a conspiracy theory claiming the shooter was conveniently killed, I supposed you'd arm the Secret Service with rubber bullets. Anyway, if you're sincere, not trolling, I suggest night classes.
