Tuesday, June 11, 2024



"What is it about a tsunami wave that CAN be predicted?" my 9th grade science teacher asked.

My arm extended nearly out of its socket, but Mr. McConnell ignored it, calling on everyone else first.

"OK, Barton, tell us," he finally said.

"The direction of wave energy from an earthquake," I responded, exhausted from holding up my arm.

As I thought later about the whole tsunami phenomenon, the first tiny fissure in my faith, credulity, belief in YHWH was forming, not viewing him as "dead" like Thomas Altizer, but as guilty of child endangerment at the very least.

Just like a mother or father who allows the hands of their two year old to slip out of their grasp into city traffic, a Gawd who's seen tsunamis develop a zillion times before, yet doesn't even shout out a warning to their earthly sons and daughters, is no Gawd of mine.

When two members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints saw me emptying my apartment trash into a dumpster, the Holy Spirit moved them to ride there bicycles over to convert me. 

"Your God is Elohim," I told the two young men from Utah, dressed in short-sleeved white shirts and black pants.

They were surprised I knew about Joseph Smith, the angel Moroni, the golden tablets, Brigham Young, the Pearl of Great Price, all the basics of their religious heritage.

We talked three hours and they left on good terms. . . . . 

When I told them how tsunami waves make me feel about any religion's Almighty One, they were saddened, but had nothing to say beyond the common religious excuse about free will.

I've had similar discussions with the Amish, Jehovah's Witnesses and Brownsville's foremost religious expert, Roman Perez, but Ana told me not to bother the Buddhist monks walking along the roadway in identical orange gowns in the Philippines.

1 comment:

  1. God sends a sign: the water goes back towards the sea, the beach grows and leaves behind boats in the sand, fish in the sand, swimmers in the sand but....the DEVIL makes people forget this phenomena and instead of running away from the sea, they go and see the empty beach, and take pictures and when they want to escape the sea...it is too late.
