Tuesday, April 9, 2024

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Norma Lee Valle at the Toddle Inn Restaurant

Good Lord!  A woman running for Brownsville Navigation District trustee Place 3?

Well, not just any woman, but Norma Lee Valle, whose family operated a two acre site at the Port of Brownsville for over 50 years, an operation managed by Mrs. Valle after the passing of her husband.

Valle not only understands the port's operation, while maintaining strong ties with the maquiladoras south of the border, but has experienced firsthand overt and subtle forms of gender discrimination at the hands of the Board of Trustees and administration of the Port of Brownsville.

Misogyny has "no place" in the business world in 2024 Valle told me and Jerry Danache over breakfast at Brownsville's Toddle Inn Restaurant.

"We must be fair to all tenants, not just those with $12B operations," Valle explained.

"After my husband passed away, I thought about going to Dallas or some other city," she told us, but, thinking of the barriers she'd overcome personally, why not stay serving at the Port of Brownsville to ensure no one else faces similar roadblocks she told herself.

Interestingly, former BND CEO Eduardo "Eddie" Campirano is also running for BND Place 3 against sixteen year incumbent John Reed, someone Valle said was frequently a "no show" for important meetings at the Port.

Campirano, who had zero previous port experience before being named CEO, lost his position in a recent reorganization, thus his run for trustee.

Valle laments the fact that Laredo has become the region's "land port" with container warehouses despite not having Brownsville's assets, including rail, air, highway and waterway.

"The Port of Brownsville is losing barge traffic from South America to Birmingham, Alabama, despite the fact that our port is much closer," Valle said.

Valle feels she can do a much better job of selling the Port of Brownsville's obvious assets to the rest of the world maximizing our region's role as a space port, the LNG plants, not to mention our area's dedicated and productive workforce.


  1. Norma is extremely competent, but also ethical and will be a credit to the BND.

  2. Why is Campirano and Carlos Garcia running?! They were forced out by Steve Guerra the board chairman and now want revenge for losing their jobs. Campirano and Carlos Garcia have taken millions of the taxpayer dollars as salary… they should just retire and stop playing their political games. John Reed has been there 16 years and says nothing is wrong at port and things are running smooth. Then why is Campirano, the ex port director running against you dummy?

  3. Steve Guerra hiring ex port police chief Dietrich, who is by the way the finance of Steve Guerra’s niece, is just another example of how Steve Guerra still thinks he is a politician in Mexico. Steve is supporting Ernesto Gutierrez who has promised to vote for him as chairman again if he wins. Steve Guerra wants to bypass tradition of every board member serving one term as chairman and get another vote. That is why he wanted Ralph Cowen out…so John Wood wouldn’t be. Chairman and remain there himself. Steve Guerra is also the self proclaimed king maker of Cameron County, he also claims to be the reason for the success of Vicente Gonzalez in Cameron County. He has said on many occasions that he is the reason Vicente is Congressman . He has also made it known that he is running against Eddie TreviΓ±o for County Judge. That is why Vicente dropped you Steve.. he won’t have anything to do with you now because he has found out you who you really are, a big mouth fake. Ernesto Gutierrez is a Steve Guerra puppet and will cost him election time. Steve Guerra runs the port like the mafia….. but. Eyes are on you Steve. Try remembering all the conversations you have had the last 5 years…. Somebody knows exactly what you have been doing.

  4. Norma is a Republican, and I will never vote for a MAGA Republican for anything.

    1. Why don’t you sign your name Steve Guerra. You leave your fat finger prints all over your posts. You are trying to use your strategy of bashing Mayra Flores with all your vile comments against her on all women that run against your preferred candidate. It is not going to work Steve: your time is up. The voters will drop you just like Vicente Gonzalez dropped you. A lot of people have been dropping you Steve..huh?

  5. Guerra will have a major heart attack within 5 years… his biggest opponent is obesity and his arrogance. Ask him about the giant flower tortillas he eats every morning at Big Daddy’s. His legacy will go straight to the toilet bowl

  6. Norma is a Republican and using the woman card? Just another Mayra!

    1. Sniff sniff…is that you again Steve Guerra? Sniff sniff sniff… yes, there you go comparing all women to Mayra Flores. Go back to putting down your third serving of menudo Steve. Ernesto Gonzalez your puppet is going to lose and you will not be chairman again…. And your hand picked nephew Dietrich is gone also…. What the hell does he know about port business? Just wanted someone to do as you say huh Steve?

    2. Sniff sniff…is that you Maclovio? Sniff sniff sniff…

    3. This comment is brought to you by Chris Valadez the local hater who scams poor people into buying fake insurance at “FRONTIER DIRECT CARE” where the under privileged are exploited, Chris Valadez is the same guy , who tells the story about how his friend’s daughter got corn holed by VINCE YOUNG at UT AUSTIN that friend is the ex County Judge, Remember Chris when you told that story at Antonio’s Restaurant… Ask Charlie Atkinson he was there..

  7. Miss Valle might be qualified but has no name recognition… before now had never heard of her

  8. For the record Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger are Republicans and would never vote for Trump or Mayra. Also the Rock who endorsed Biden last time said it is not good for actors to get involved, but his views have not changed.

  9. Norma is a nice, intelligent lady that has business port experience. All those speaking negatively about her will be surprised by the voters on election night. Yes, the voters are the ones who decide elections not elected officials the place candidates to further their agenda.

  10. It’s nice to some of you worry about Chairman Steve Guerra’s Health. We need to keep him around a long time , He signed a 21.5 billion dollar LNG deal, a second LNG Deal for 4 Billion dollars, Channel Deepening project, looks like the Port is going places,

    I would say let’s see what he can do at the County Level, BTW the poorest county in the country, Seems like he’s a winner, whatever he’s doing, we need it in the county,

    1. This comment was written by Chris Valadez, This lazy mother fucker got fired by Representative ERIN GAMEZ, for being a worthless District Organizer, A failure at everything, he sits at home and aspires to be the the Next Captain BoB Sanchez, Chris do you remember when you were banging Captain Bobs Wife Lori….

  11. Norma is not a business person, After she tricked an 80 year old man to marry her , she took his money and he died, She then hooked up with another guy that took all her money that was left to her, The Buisness went to shit Ask Norma why her cranes were repossessed, Norma Is a scam artist , Norma is a WiLA…

    1. Real classy comment Steve. I believe your disgusting comment is what is called “patadas de ahogado” but that is your mode of operandi. You have hit a new low Steve.

  12. Steve rubs elbows with Marin… he has to be a rata… don’t give Guerra credit for bringing progress to the port … the progress was coming regardless of what the pig did… he is part of the matamoros mafia

    1. This comment was written by Chris Valadez, This is the guy who the strippers at Stilettos laughed at because his spotted 3’ worm wouldn’t work,. Chris Valadez, claims to be a friend to the candidates he coerces into running, and then trashes them in behind their backs ….

  13. April 10, 2024 at 9:26 PM This lady knows how to celebrate, enjoy life and make friends. Give her a chance: she has energy, passion for life and knows how to market herself and her dreams and her goals.
    Men are never tricked into marriage...they always know what they want. The second man: did not take her money...she gave it to him...silly man, accepting money from a lady.

  14. The truth is, none of these comments are Steve Guerra or Norma Valle, Always someone trying to stir the pot, We all know who that is, some of you new to the Cameron County political arena , be mindful, and don’t get caught up in this stick with your campaigns and good luck …

    1. Steve is known to spend a lot of time on the blogs and FB. He posts a lot and like you say, he stirs the pot a lot for candidates he wants to win. He trolled MAYRA Flores relentlessly and would run to show Vicente Gonzalez what he was doing to get in his good graces… kissing ass if you will.
      It is Steve’s style and everyone has caught on to it…. Now he is doing it for John Reed and his Matamoros friend Ernesto Gutierrez. So don’t be naive

  15. This comment was posted by Chris Valadez, The guy who says he’s a Federal Confidential Informant , and loves to give false tips about people he doesn’t like, He is a Rat Mother Fucker who lies, he loves to record people, when you are with Chris Valadez, he records be careful with that spotted owl Mother Fucker
