Saturday, December 16, 2023


From the editor:  Well, since we published Commissioner Roy De los Santos' view of the 2024 Mr. Amigo selection, that he doesn't feel the selection of anti-LGBTQ entertainer Eduardo Verastegui was fully or sufficiently "vetted," let's publish an alternate position on the subject by Brownsville activist Arge Miller.

Arge Miller

Commissioner Roy De los Santos:

Do not shoot the messenger, sharing from YEP to Roy:

“First of all, feel privileged that your complaint can be displayed for all to see on Erasmo's page. Must feel nice that you can voice something that you're concerned with. (I idk what the actual concern is. It's not like he's gonna spew his rhetoric. He's just gonna show up, take pics, shake some hands, say something about the festival, and leave).

2nd of all, feel privileged that you can call and complain to Mr Amigo's association.

3rd of all, feel privileged that you can show support in public to whatever group you align yourself with without fear of retaliation or persecution.
With that being said, you're gonna have to learn to live with people who don't think like you. And you must allow them the same freedoms that you so exercise without retaliation and persecution.
Some people are anti abortion anti vaxxers and anti lgbtq and anti whatever you are.

Everyone has opinions based on what they care about and experience are. Just bcz they are the opposite of you doesn't mean they are evil.

The focus and core message of this actor's message is the safety of the children bcz of what he has seen. So he feels he can do more by being vocal and wanting to enter politics.

You'd be doing the same thing if you could (which in a way you did the same thing in a miniscule way thru erasmos page).

If you want to respect others ideals then start by letting him be. This vicious cycle will never stop if we are just pointing fingers. Someone needs to be the bigger person.

Either be patriotic and enjoy the rights and freedoms by letting others exercise the same or be a communist where you feel only your ideals and your opinions are the absolute and others who don't fall in line with the same ideals need to be punished.

You live in America where everyone should have the same freedoms. If you silence one group then others have the same right to silence you. Goes both ways. Either we have equal rights or we don't.

"We're supposed to show mutual love and respect between us and Mexico" well that starts with you.

The last thing I'd want is him taking crap about how we treated him when he didn't do anything to us directly and then there is a reactive response that further separates us from Mexico bcz how we treated a Mexican national.

The concern you have will come true because of what and how we treated him. Be an adult and be civil and cordial.”

Arge Miller



  1. So only communist have absolute ideas and seek to punish those who believe otherwise? How about Cristian nationalist who frequently suggest death to those that disagree with their absolute ideas on things like abortion or right-wing extremist who suggest concentration camps for those with different political orientations? I guess they don't count (or maybe they are secret communist. Fill us in on that, please). And we are "supposed" to show love and respect to Mexico, even for individuals who express fascist ideals or other abhorrent behavior or believes. Well then, Arge, go hug a cartel member. Maybe hug him twice because I won't do it.
    I can't help but notice that when people preach respect for those who practice aberrant behavior it is often because they too embrace those believes.

  2. I agree with Argelia Miller.... "we should only reject people that have done something wrong to us directly." The power of the pen...sometimes is better not to use the pen. I have not heard good things about Argelia Miller.... now I know why people do not trust her.
