Thursday, December 7, 2023


Brownsville City Commission Meeting 12/05/2023

In what will likely be our last physical visit to Brownsville's City Commission chambers, we stayed for most of the lackluster meeting despite the poor quality of sound, something I'd have written off as my being hard-of-hearing, except that I clearly heard Commissioners Roy de los Santos and Linda Macias.

Commissioner Rose Gowen has never learned to speak into a microphone, while Mayor John Cowen remains too timid to project his voice.

If there was a highlight it was the greeting I received from Dr. Laura Cisneros as I exited the elevator on the second floor, who gave me a warm hug and formed her hands into a heart for my wife Ana.

Arriving late, we'd just missed the invocation directed by Pastor Brad Burke, the city's unofficial chaplain, but once home, we saw the replay as Brad stood behind a local pastor like a mother hen as God's blessing on the meeting was petitioned.

For even wider community involvement, we'd suggest to Pastor Brad to reach out to representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses who certainly consider themselves as much Christian as the nominal church leaders Burke uses, perhaps with even a more substantial claim to primitive Christianity than Catholicism.

Elder George Samano

Or, Burke could request the services of Brownsville's most spiritual man, Elder George Samano, owner of the Samano Building downtown and other properties, but also spiritual leader of the Church of the Divine Spirit.

We missed the usual stack of meeting agendas that we're accustomed to picking up from the table in the hallway just outside chambers, but, perhaps in 2023 we're simply expected to download our own copy from the city's website.

Cole Mata (with mask)

The high point of the evening was the recognition given to 17 year old Hanna High School student Cole Mata, who took it upon himself to pick up the trash from two of B'ville's hike and bike trails starting in 2022, then weighing it.

The trash recovered from the Historic Battlefield and Paseo de la Resaca trails thus far in 2023 totaled 7,070 lbs.  


  1. boring shit again. Sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Brownsville Observer, since you know so many religious leader can you talk to Bishop Flores about the rule of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral Church : "There will be only ONE intention per Mass to be mentioned or posted on the bulletin. Any other intention you bring for the same day, will be silent in the intention binder and prayed for by the priest." Why is this? Why so limiting?
    Why so unfair? SILENT....what if the parishioners decide to donate imaginary money or attend mass in a SILENT way (sleeping at home). A solution: have a person read all the names for the mass intention, while the priest is getting ready and the final preparations for the mass are being done. Solution: print all names...the people donate BIG money to the church.



From the editor: Any cognizant, informed American realizes Donald Trump is a pathological liar.  His inner compulsion is to lie every time h...