Saturday, November 18, 2023

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 “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”  St. Matthew 25:35

Abbott sucking up to his mentor

Governor Greg Abbott, a professed Christian, has likely read the Sermon on the Mount, maybe even the so-called Golden Rule.

Yes, Abbott claims to pattern himself after a gentle teacher who offered strangers loaves and fishes and practiced "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."

But, the difference between what Abbott professes to believe and his well documented practices is glaring and stunning as the Texas governor's Christianity toward his neighor includes 
orange buoys, razor wire and a pointed message from AR-15s.

Abbott's Christian Welcome to his neighbors

Is the pious Abbott fighting a Holy War?  Who are these dangerous heathens daring to ford the Rio Grande?

Are they "rapists," or even murderers, as the former President worshipped by evangelicals once declared?

One gutsy man, notorious YouTuber Benjamin Rich, (bald & bankrupt), recent trekked across the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama, accompanying refugees from Venezuela, Haiti, etc, on their way to the Land of Liberty.  

Benjamin Rich (bald and bankrupt) at the Darien Gap

Bald's traveling companions, documented and captured by his dramatic, breathtaking videos, revealed these travelers, in search of freedom and opportunity, to simply be peaceful men and women with babies on their backs and little children walking beside. 

As the hopeful immigrants navigated the dangerous terrain, the mosquito and crocodile-infested  Darien Gap, passing dead bodies and sheer cliffs, Bald would bring smiles to their faces chanting "vamos a los estados unidos!"

I'm certain Benjamin Rich won't forget these people nor they him, but, waiting for them at the border are "Christians" like Greg Abbott.

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