Saturday, October 14, 2023


I used to get mad at my school (no, I can't complain)The teachers who taught me weren't cool (no, I can't complain)You're holding me down (ah-ah)Turning me 'round (oh-oh)Filling me up with your rules (fool, you fool)

"Getting Better" The Beatles 

My first grade teacher, Mrs. Crutchfield, employed the  classroom-control techniques of the 50's; dunce caps, standing in the corner and, if caught chewing gum, that gum had to be placed on your forehead all day to shame and mold you into compliance.

Billy, a boy I observed with great interest, seemed to be relishing, even enjoying Mrs. Crutchfield's discipline.

One day, he came into class with gum already stuck on his forehead.

Mrs. Crutchfield was not amused.

"Why is that gum on your forehead Billy?  Take it off and throw it into the trash can."

Billy had a ready response.

"Well, Mrs. Crutchfield.  As I was walking into the room I caught myself chewing gum and so I put it on my forehead."

Self-enforcement.  At age 6 I'd never encountered that.

We all laughed at Billy, supporting Mrs. Crutchfield's portrayal of him as a rule breaker, worthy of our contempt.

But, as I got older, I realized that Billy had so easily defeated Mrs. Crutchfield at her own psychological game.

1 comment:

  1. You had good teachers. Your memory is good. Write more about your school days and your teachers. Thank you.
