Friday, September 8, 2023



Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

It seemed almost out of character, actually counter-intuitive for Texas Republicans to be so down on Texas Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton Junior so as to actually support impeachment for something as trifling as corruption.

Is this bright red state turning color, becoming RINO, veering radically to the left or embracing the deepest of Deep States?

Since when did some petty bribary even register on the scale in pro-biznis, Trump-loving Texas?

Well, lift up that shag carpet in the living room boys and girls and see what else besides corruption might be under there.

State Senator Angela Paxton

What if Ol' Ken has been slippin' around on State Senator/Wife Angela Suzanne Paxton, gettin', as we say in the Lone Star state, a little sumthin' on the side?

Well, that would be perfectly OK, actually a little understandable in these parts, unlessin it got out in the papers or otherwise became gossip to the ears.

While Texans, don't mind adultery, Hell, even their favorite former President indulges, they don't like public shame coming to the Grand Old Party.

"Kenny embarrassed the High Bell out of us lettin' his private business get out in the street," they're sayin' in the Hill Country.

"I'm not sayin' he's 'all hat, no cattle,' but right now he's "worthless as a sidesaddle on a sow."

1 comment:

  1. A power couple that met at Baylor University and became politicians of the Great State of Texas. The husband became corrupt and the wife has to stand by her man. That is the law of Texas.
