Tuesday, September 12, 2023



Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy

Boys and girls, players and playthings, this is NOT how things are supposed to work.

Donald J. Trump provided all future history books with two perfect impeachment scenarios:

1. Trump's perfect, infamous quid pro quo phone call, linking Ukraine military aid to "I want you to do us a favor, though." 

2. Acting as the Inciter of the horrendous, traitorous January 6 insurrection viewed on the world's TV screens.

Impeachment inquiries concerning the above followed the logical path of first; the crime, then: the punishment.

But, the 2023 version of the Republican Party, is being led by a spineless Kevin McCarthy,  alleged Speaker of the House, who's been consistantly badgered by a toothless, hillbilly extremely right-wing faction of his own party to do things he really doesn't want to do and knows he'd be better off not doing.

So, the impeachment inquiry of current President Joseph Biden, by necessity, takes the ass-backwards approach.

Find the man, then figure out the crime.

McCarthy did introduce such an impeachment inquiry, but took no questions as he didn't want to be asked what the "crime" was exactly.

Republicans don't know just yet, but they know that they will find something.

Will they find "dirt" on Biden?

Well, despite the fact that Biden has been ten times, no fifty times the President of Donald J., he's no Boy Scout and he has a half century history in gov't service, so, uncovering something shady would not surprise most of us.

Sure, it's a childish you-did-it-to-ours, we'll-do-it-to-yours approach, but that's what cliche's are for.  It is what it is.



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