Wednesday, September 6, 2023


The MAGA faithful, with numbers still hovering around the 30% mark of the U.S. electorate, have served as a veritable bride class for Donald Trump.

As his betrothed, they've always believed he would do the "honorable thing" and "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," take them all back to the magical time Archie Bunker used to sing about: 

"Didn't need no welfare state, ev'rybody pulled his weight," 

"girls were girls and men were men"

"hair was short and skirts were long"

"those were the days"

MAGA truly believed in their man, loving him from the bottom of their hearts, voting for him, sending him money more than once, each thinking of him as "my President," much as an engaged girl might refer to her future husband as "my man!"

It's totally lost on MAGA that Trump is no patriot, that he considers those dumb enough to serve in the military to be "suckers," yes, losers, not sharp enough to figure out a way to "dodge" serving as he did. 

"Well, at least President Trump is a God-fearing Christian, a reverential man with a favorite Scripture on the tip of his tongue?" MAGA responds.

Hell no!

Trump has never been the least bit religious and the televangelists lied to you when they shouted his name as if he were the "Second Coming!"

Trump was not even a Republican, but a lifelong Democrat who contributed heavily to Clinton.

MAGA, I'm sorry but you were simply conned, but conned by one of the best shysters of all time.

1 comment:

  1. Trumps likes money and he knows how to get the money he needs. His friends are rich. He knows how to sell himself.
