Friday, August 4, 2023



Brownsville City Commission Recognizes LGBTQ Pride Month

There's an ongoing skirmish in Brownsville between the Christian Right and the LGBTQ community.

By "Christian Right" I'm referring to professed Christians with conservative political leanings.

By LGBTQ I mean lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and queers.  We're not excluding androsexuals, asexuals, autosexuals, bicurious, libidoists or pansexuals.

An organization that identifies itself as RGVtruth has created a video claiming that IDEA Schools are practicing homosexual grooming of minor children.

Well, anything allegedly involving children has to be looked into, but conspiracy theories are easy to cobble together these days.

City Commissioner Roy De los Santos

RGVtruth and the Christian Right have also taken some shots at City Commissioner Roy De los Santos, someone who ran for office openly homosexual, not closeted as previous city officials.

As someone whose view of sexuality has morphed over many decades from a fundamentalist upbringing to a more tolerant view, I'm hoping that reasonable people can distinguish between two significantly different scenarios.

Recognizing and respecting the rights of an adult or near adult who wants to live a life in harmony with their sexual leanings is understandable.

Grooming young children, exposing them to sexual variances not self-driven, is not acceptable, actually abhorrent.


  1. How nice of you to tolerate us. Do you want to define groom? I know of no school or book taking any position of grooming anyone to be LGBTQ+. Every subgroup has faced the same backlash when books which depict them as people are introduced into our education system. Your use of the word groom is so homophobic. You cannot groom someone to be themselves.

    1. My position is not that difficult to understand.
      Overt sexuality, whether gay or straight, is not, in my view, appropriate to expose to young children.
      While children and adults typically interact with people of all sorts on a daily basis, their sexuality is not an issue unless it's on display somehow.
      Just as a heterosexual can display that sexuality inappropriately around young people, so can a homosexual.
      To me, the dress and body language of a drag queen is an overt display of sexuality. It's not the everyday work and business attire for gays. It's a flaunting, in-your-face sexuality reserved for the bedroom or adult entertainment.

    2. You are such an overt homophobe.

    3. "overt homophobe"

      Extra credit for using both words in a single comment, but the assignment was just to read the article and meditate on it.
