Sunday, August 20, 2023



Brownsville City Manager Helen Ramirez

It's called accountability folks!  

As reported in Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun blog, citing an article originally penned by Gaige Davila of Texas Public Radio, City Manager Helen Ramirez, in her role as chair of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, released $1,000,000 of Brownsville's hard-earned sales tax dollars to two companies claiming a connection to space-industry ventures.  

That expenditure represents at least 20% of Brownsville's sales tax revenue for the fiscal year.

Supposedly, that funding was connected to promises of job creation and other economic benefits to the city, but, in actuality, the city received zilch, zero, nada.

Here's a link to the article in El Rrun Rrun:

GBIC and our City Manager are not authorized to simply give away those tax dollars to companies, no matter what promises are made, without those funds being tied to direct economic benefit for the city.

If those promises are not fulfilled, the monies must be recovered.  

Under the watch of then-GBIC chair Helen Ramirez and Mayor Trey Mendez, that did not happen!

Brownsville taxpayers got nothing and our city was unable to recover the funds!

Helen Ramirez must be terminated immediately!


  1. Agree. Who is minding the store ?

    1. Clearly, the mayor and city commission dropped the ball. Their primary function is to protect and preserve the city's assets.

  2. It should be noted that current Mayor John Cowen was also a member of GBIC during the time this huge portion of Brownsville tax revenue was mishandled, wasted.

  3. OK, I see nothing but accusations. Tell me what companies were these?

  4. Its truly unfortunate. This happens when you have folks that may not have the background or experience to manage entities of this magnitude. There must be a way to retrieve these monies for either contract breach or failure to deliver. Taking it a step further, there may be some legal complications which could rise to law enforcement taking a look at this....

  5. Of course you’d fall for El rrun rrun propaganda.

    1. Give us the details insider, if you're able.

    2. Total alignment cabron!!!!!

  6. Barton you don’t see the big play here, it is a false story to paint a poor representation of our current city manager. That’s why there is no objectivity to the story. Who is behind this? You’d be surprised, however they pay the other guy to make up entertaining stories on his bias blog. Rumor on the block is the Police Chief wants to be the city manager and Louie his zero credential “henchman/protector” wants to be the chief! No chance ….
