Thursday, August 24, 2023



Our actual president, Joseph Robinett Biden, obviously not involved in practicing talking points for the Republican debate, had one clear mission in recent days; get his ass to Maui and at least be the figurehead for leadership in recovery efforts.

Haven't politicos learned anything from George W's slow-footed response to Katrina and Ted Cruz's frolic to Cancun during the Texas freeze?

Americans expect and demand that their catastrophic losses be the primary, if not exclusive focus of their elected leaders.

So, we give Biden a C- on Maui as we noticed 8 Republicans venturing to Milwaukee to prove they could do better than Biden, all repeating their catch phrases on a debate stage.

Below are our notes from the Republican debate:

Donald Trump, currently enjoying more support than the 8 Republican debate qualifiers combined, skipped the debate, instead presenting a recorded sitdown with Tucker Carlson, a former employee of the Fox News propaganda machine.

Perhaps to send a subliminal message, the 7 male debaters all appeared in Trump outfits; navy suits with red ties, but no red caps.  

Nikki Haley countered with a white dress and red rosy cheeks.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38 year old practicing Hindu of Indian descent, like Trump, a billionaire, but one who didn't get jump-started with daddy's money, scored some points early on.

Ramaswamy, who's recently seen an uptick in the polls, made his $2.5 B fortune skillfully navigating a hedge fund, then venturing into pharmaceuticals.

Likely seeing the youngin as a threat, former Vice President Mike Pence tore into Ramaswamy, calling him a "rookie," while describing himself as the "most experienced" to lead America back to prosperity.

Pence, explaining why he refused to overturn and disregard the 2020 election results, stated that he always puts the Constitution ahead of an individual. 

Perhaps the most assertive debate performer was Nikki Haley, who received mixed boos and cheers for pointing out that Trump, in his single term, had added $8 Trillion to the national debt, something she said "our children and grandchildren" will be saddled with paying for.

New Jerseyite Chris Christie, the most anti-Trump candidate going into the debate, was also welcomed with boos.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, once considered Trump's primary threat, gave a lackluster, uninspired debate performance making his candidacy seem a bit overrated.

For the rest of the group, they can take consolation that there will be more debates down the line, giving them the opportunity to "do better."

1 comment:

  1. How little you know or understand. Maui did not want Biden flying in immediately because it would have disrupted efforts to find people and clean up the mess. Once they had a full assessment for Biden to review and he would not be in the way he was on the ground. But you wanted all security and small resources focused on Biden instead of the community. Can you be that ignorant?
