Friday, July 14, 2023


From the editor: Posted below are several brief Facebook comments on current issues by Carlos Cascos, former Secretary of State and County Judge and considered and important spokesperson for the Cameron County Republican Party.

These are not editorials, but brief comments, sometimes in conversational FB lingo, not intended to reflect party platform, etc.

My comments will be in bold black to distinguish from Cascos'. They are not a rebuttal or even a counter opinion, just whatever thoughts come into my head.

The border is more than a political stage prop.

We must not only secure it but do all we can to stop the trafficking of human beings.

We should also recognize that the border is a vibrant part of our state & is critical to the economies of Mexico, the US & TX. 

Barton:  With regard to human trafficking; that's pure evil, something no one should support. 

As for the numbers of immigrants coming into our country, we need EVERY single one and more.

Agriculture, manufacturing and particularly the construction industry craves those workers.

Florida needs them.  Texas needs them.  Arizona and California need them. 

At our last hotel in Iowa, the parking lot was filled with heavy-duty pickup trucks carrying workers to the construction site.

Most trucks had license plates of midwest and northern states with a few from Mexico, but all the workers were Hispanic and Spanish was the language spoken.

I would bet money that nearly 100% of those workers had immigrated from Mexico, legally or illegally. 

Not having an approved, sound, manageable system to process these workers, including aliens is an abject failure at all levels of government.

A member of a governing body that votes favorably on an agenda item, a bill or ordinance that financially benefits a close family member is a conflict & possibly illegal, regardless of its merit or nobility.

An abstention is warranted.

Barton:  Such an obvious principle of ethical government on the state, federal, city or county level.

That's why I screamed Holy Hell when Mayor Trey Mendez and BCIC Chair Michael Limas were first in line for huge monies from programs they'd helped draft and boards they'd appointed.

Ethics 101.

I'm suspect as to the #s being I can't tell u. 

I can tell u that.currently, over $74B is collected by all taxing entities in the state...about the same amount is collected thru sales tax.

Eliminating property taxes wud result I te state having to raise $74B per year. I don't believe that is sustainable.

Barton:  Ah yes, the current political squabble between Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick.

Well, currently, there's a $32.7B surplus, so, somebody's overpaid.

But, eliminating property taxes?  Is that workable down the line?

I would rate the Paxton-Abbott debate a tie.  Both men are being unreasonable, not rational.

Educators are underpaid,overworked, underappreciated & saddled w unnecessary paperwork.

They aren't babysitters or surrogate parents. If we continue to ignore teachers, our children & our future will ultimately be jeopardized.

Pay now or pay later. The choice is ours. God Bless

Barton:  I can support teachers being paid salaries commensurate with their education, tenure and rating.  I know the last point is controversial, but, in your life experience, is it not true that the skill level and effectiveness of teachers varied greatly?

What I see as out of control is huge school budgets, spent for a zillion things thinly related to education.  

Brownsville ISD, for example, has had a budget between $500 and $550M for several years, yet, we're told tht teachers have to buy students textbooks?  How in the Hell is that possible?

Are school administrators and school boards that incompetent?

If someone isn't performing their job, shouldnt they be either fired or compensation reduced?

Members of congress, regardless of their political party have had years if not decades to address issues such as balancing budgets, immigration reform & cutting pork barrel projects, but have failed in doing so.

Job performance & accountability should not be a partisan issue.

I as one am fatigued by the political BS...."will fix the economy, secure the border, fix immigration, stop inflation"....

I for one tire of the attacks between members of each political party...rather than making an attempt to work together, time is spent in bashing & telling all how bad the other side voters, we must demand accountability from all.

2024 elections are coming up fast.

We as voters have the opportunity to determine our future & destiny.

One race gathering interest is that of Congressional District 34.

The incumbent is Vicente Gonzalez.

No D has indicated any interest in challenging him, however, several Rs have indicated a desire to.

What incentive do members of congress have for balancing budgets, cutting pork spending, reducing taxes for all & reduce spending? NONE.

Getting wealthy or getting re-elected should not be their incentive.

tHow about anyone running for Congress & elected commit to introducing legislation & supporting a 20% cut in their salaries until they do just that.

Barton: Mauro Garza and Dr. Laura Cisneros have declared for District 34


  1. Jim, I believe you mean Patrick & Abbott...Not Paxton...they are the ones that were at it re property taxes. I stated weeks ago that both the House & Senate proposals were not mutually exclusive...both could be done, along with appraisal 2 cents.
