It's been a while since I watched local TV, but I understand the significance of a "Food 4 Thought" sticker posted on an establishment's front door.
"Keep it clean!" shouts the young KGBT-4 newscaster, hoping to be discovered soon by a larger market station.
Sure, other TV markets offer a similar gimmick, but they're all based on actual health department reports.
No television station has their own inspection team nor the authority to shut down a restaurant.
Which brings us to the extremely disturbing Cameron County Health Department report received June 13 by Taco Palenque, 4221 S Expressway in Brownsville, achieving only 60/100 with numerous violations still not corrected from a previous visit by the health inspector:
uncovered food
missing labels
open ice machine door
dirty vents
leaking faucet
chemicals stored next to food
trash cans w/o liners
clogged drain
dirty wiping cloths on prep table
broken back door
cross contamination
dripping AC condensation
stained ceiling tiles in dining area
women's hot water low pressure
men's restroom signage
hardware tools inside employee restroom
AGAIN: "Keep It Clean!"
My mother-in-law took us there. We didn't notice the code violations, but the food was horrible.