Monday, May 1, 2023



Once again, Juan Montoya of El Rrun Rrun reports how Brownsville's well-to-do folk are using the BCIC as their personal ATM:

 In July 2019 the board approved BCIC CEO Peña's HR recommendation where Felicia Fruia was on the Hiring committee. In August 2019 Felicia Edge got awarded $35,000 for 409 E. 13th Street facade, signage and interior improvement grant. In that same meeting the board approved travel for Arturo Treviño, Fruia-Edge and chair Michael Limas to travel to San Antonio.

Meanwhile, in December 17,2021 Felicia Edge applied again for the same property for the same thing but now uses a new address of 409 E. Levee St and under Curio 409 and gets awarded $75,000. In fact, there is no such address in the city. 
Now on April 27,2023 Felicia Edge applied again under Curio 409 E. 13th Street for the same improvements to the same building and gets awarded $125,000. All were recommended by Cori Peña.
In less than 4 years Felicia Fruia Edge and her husband have been awarded grant funds to do the same repairs to the same building that has no roof, 3 walls and a building that was fully operational since 2018. Taxpayers' money guvennthem n a total $235,000. That’s two hundred and thirty five thousand dollars.

If you don’t want to believe that this could be construed illegal and a quid quo pro and that the board members have used this BCIC board as their own ATM for the St. Joseph alumni think again. 

Is that $235,000 of our money for one person in exchange for a job,? And does the job description in this one sems to be to look away and get a hefty pay increase?

Is that why they wanted to change back the guidelines to allow the relatives of elected and city officials and the families of BCIC members to apply so they could sweep the large-scale giveaway to  already in play to board members under a Persian  rug? This was going to be their way of legitimizing their wives and relatives unfettered access to the BCIC funds and the citizens' hard earned money.

1 comment:

  1. Trey Mendez and Arturo Trevino holding out their hands for BCIC money did not surprise, but the Edge's? Damn! Millionaires must be feeling the pinch too!
