Saturday, October 16, 2021


We picked up this tidbit from the comment section of Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun blog. It will not be difficult to determine if Brownsville/SPI Director Bryant Walker, whom the commenter calls "James Walker," is using a city-issued vehicle while claiming the car allowance.                               .  

We post the comment below:

"Montoya, it will be a good idea for you to write an article about car allowances for city employees. 

A recent public information request for a list of these employees showed that 28 employees are receiving this car allowance to include the Mayor and three commissioners. The average monthly payment is around $550 monthly. 

What its really interesting is the fact that assistant city manager/airport director James Walker is receiving a car allowance but drives a city truck (unit # 541-9994) every day to conduct city businesses. 

This is guy is bluntly stealing from the taxpayers as he shouldn't be getting a car allowance since he utilizes a city unit daily. 

The list also includes car allowances for the police Chief and fire chief, I'm almost certain that these two individuals also drive city units which makes it illegal for them to be getting a car allowance. 

One thing for sure, assistant city manager/airport director walker is committing fraud by receiving a car allowance and using a city unit at the same time. 

City manager Bernal should also be fired for allowing this abuse to happen right in front of his nose."

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