Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Daniel Lenz

Daniel Lenz placed this message on Facebook yesterday:

Brownsville Mayor Juan Trey Mendez, I call on you to RESIGN immediately. You have embarrassed yourself, but more importantly, you have been an embarrassment to our City. We expected better from you, we deserve better than you.

LVERA added a similar view in response to someone defending the mayor:

The issue at hand is not the nation's ethics, nor who else applied for funds. Stop deflecting. "Documentable say"? GTFO HERE WITH THAT!

The issue is how much money has the mayor obtained from grants to "upgrade" his properties downtown. Brownsville does not fight tooth and nail against improving.

Brownsville can not progress because of the fat cats always making a cash grab and taking opportunities for improvements away from the common folk who might not be as aware of the programs out there available to help local businesses. 

You said "the mayor is doing something that will in a way aid the downtown revitalization", what is he doing? 

He is enriching himself in the process and making less funds available for everyone else and that has a air of impropriety. 

Will the mayor face the electorate and give us the answers we want? 

How much public money has the mayor received to improve his businesses? How much?


  1. Balderdash! You do not give you your rights just because you're elected to public office. We have criminal laws. If Mendez broke one, cite him and see you in court.

    He is ambitious, yes. Perhaps more Brownsvillians ought to be as resourceful. Ethics plays no part here. Anything in the city charter against Mendez applying for funds, as in this case?

    1. He os not ambitious. HE IS A COMPLICIT THIEF as is the entire Brownsville Police Department and the city attorneys defend their CRIMINAL actions. They always will.

  2. Pinche enano culero!

    1. ROFLMAO. Gracias, pana. ... necesitaba que reΓ­r para dejar de llorar de mi frustraciΓ³n con las sinvergΓΌenzadas. Pero tenemos que hacer algo. Imagina cuΓ‘nto pelado no estΓ‘ en la cΓ‘rcel por todo el robo que han hecho...

  3. I must laugh at the "Balderdash" commenter. He is a complicit thief. No insinuation. I am outright saying it. He also protects Brownsville PD from crimes they commit on a daily basis. Because Texas is so pro-cop, their behavior is not only protected but ENCOURAGED. WHO POLICES THE POLICE? NO ONE! They commit crimes every day by not protecting and serving law abiding citizens. The Brownsville Police Department not only commit crimes, they hide crimes and tamper with cases and witnesses and then they get the CITY ATTORNEY to protect them even though what they do is CRIMINAL!!!!
