Thursday, August 12, 2021


Cameron County Republican Chair Morgan Cisneros Graham

Our county's Republicans, the vast majority Trump supporters, have been gleefully discussing on Facebook the reports of the sexual abuse of women by the recently resigned Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo, of course, is fair game, but the sexual abuse of women is a dangerous chosen topic of conversation when Donald J. Trump is your candidate of choice.

Cameron County Republican Chair Morgan Cisneros Graham started the conversation with a somewhat innocent meme saying "Adios Andrew Cuomo!"

Hanna High School graduate Dorothy Hablinski responded with "It's time to arrest thousands!," a comment "liked" by Chairperson Graham and reminiscent of Board of Education candidate Tad Hasse's famous "exterminate Democratic cockroaches" line.

Next, I weighed in with what I thought was an objective comment:  

"No question Cuomo had to go. Like Trump, he has no respect for women. He may not have been as overtly vulgar as Trump, bragging about grabbing women by their genitals and hiring hookers while married to Melania, but he certainly exceeded the boundaries multiple times. Hopefully, this will be the last we see of both degenerates."

My comment did not sit well with Terry Frady, who responded:   

"You are sick to compare Cuomo to the best President the US has had since President Washington. President Trump was a Playboy when he was young, but he changed when he saw the light."

A waste of time, I know, but I had to fact challenge:

"Saw what light? "When he was young?" LOL Trump's affairs with porn stars Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal occurred in 2006 when he was 60, the same for Alana Evans, Jessica Drake. Trump's "grab them by the pussy comment," recorded on Access Hollywood occurred in 2005 when he was 59. Terry, you've simply allowed your partisan loyalty to cloud your thinking. That's understandable. Trump is a wonderful con artist and you, along with so many others, have been conned."

Next, I was addressed by Elizabeth Dierlam, bless her heart, showing she could recite Republican talking points with the best of them:

"bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky does that ring a bell. Slick willie other wise known as bill Clinton"

Against my better judgement, I had to respond to Ms. Dierlam:

I know more about Bill Clinton's sexual escapades than most, having lived in Little Rock while Clinton was governor. 

Clinton's conduct, which was reprehensible, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Trump was just as much a dirtbag as Clinton, cavorting with porno stars, hookers, etc. 

The difference is that Clinton hid his misconduct, while Trump bragged about his in a vulgar, public way, announcing he liked to "grab women by the pussy,"etc. 

Trump claimed screwing women was his Viet Nam, since he didn't serve.

Next up to bat, Morgan Cisneros Graham, who'd obviously not read my response to Dierlam:

"Respectfully, Clinton raped a woman. Juanita Broaddrick. I know her and she was treated like dirt by Democrats for speaking out. I’ve looked her in the eye as she described what he did to her, how he bit her, the fear and intimidation that went with it. She went through Hell.

The fact you only recall Lewinsky is a perfect example of how it was buried to protect that scumbag rapist."

My response to Morgan:

Only recall Lewinsky? Where did you get that misguided impression? 

I replied to Elizabeth Dierlam earlier that I knew about Clinton's many sexual escapades having lived in Little Rock during Clinton's governorship. 

I'm the only one on in this thread calling out Cuomo, Clinton AND Trump for their horrible abuse of women. 

The rest of you are blinded by partisanship and "see" only the abuses by the opposition party. Actually, it's ludicrous that Trump supporters would have the gall to bring up the sexual misconduct of politicians when Trump is the most brazen, proud genital grabber of them all, calling his screwing of women his personal Viet Nam. 

Again, free of partisanship as I am, I'm open to condemning ALL of these degenerates.

As for Bill Clinton, I recall a dozen or so women who came forward with charges, with Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Juanita Broadrick the most notorious.

One humorous incident involved Little Rock BBQ restaurateur, Robert "Say" McIntosh, who happened to be a wonderful sketch artist, but also known in Little Rock as "Black Santa" as he set aside a dollar from every sweet potato pie he sold in local supermarkets to deliver toys in the hood on Christmas Day.

McIntosh was paid by both the Republicans and the Democrats to get out the Black vote during one of Clinton's gubernatorial runs, but when the Democrats did not pay up, McIntosh drew a sketch featuring Clinton, a beautiful black woman and their supposed love child and personally started placing a copy under the windshield wipers of every car in the capitol parking lot.

McIntosh got his money post-haste.

Anyway, indicting one party or the other because of a certain politicians misconduct is a slippery, dangerous slope as both parties have their own closet full of skeletons.

It's fun to be an actual non-partisan and condemn any and all.


  1. Every day the Republicans hold onto Trump is a wasted day that could have been used to re-establish conservative values and demonstrate why they work for the long term good of our country.

  2. Jim name one good thing that Biden has done for our country since he took office. Hell name one good thing he's done for our country in the 50 years he's been a paid politician.

    1. What the hell does that have to do with sexual abuse issues? You've done exactly what partisans do when someone they support has done the indefensible. The deflect, asking "what about him or her?" I have no personal responsibility to defend or promote Biden. You simply bring him up as a red herring because you have no defense for the conduct of whoever you support. It's an old, worn out trick.

  3. The difference between Trump and Cuomo is simple. Trump has never faced criminal charges for his sexual indiscretions and he doesn’t deny them either. Cuomo is a pussy that hartases employees. Trump would have consensual sexual relations with porn stars that later saw a way to make money by exposing their relations for money. Trump never sexually harassed employees…. And those the he “grabbed by the pussy” well …..they never complained to the courts.

    1. Unfortunately, your response is a strictly partisan one, as if sexual predators are rated or measured up against each other. 26 women came forward with charges of sexual abuse and harassment against Donald Trump. At least one, E. Jean Carrol said he raped her. Your argument justifying Trump's use of porn stars to make money is beyond silly. When reports of sexual abuse are used in a partisan way just to win election it sullies the motivation for protecting women and/or victims. Sexual predators of either party do not deserve to hold office or engender our respect.

  4. Republicans seem awful quiet about Matt Gaetz today
    Their GOP PAC and strategist also arrested on underage child trafficking last week

  5. Wasn't today the day Trump was going to be reinstated as President??

