Friday, August 13, 2021


Governor Abbott

School districts across the state of Texas are doing exactly what Republicans have always claimed to believe in, that is exercising local control when they require masking.

Remember, it was Republican Governor Abbott who butted in where he didn't belong and tried to force a statewide approach to matters with his ban on mask mandates.

What parent of K-6 children feels comfortable sending their unvaccinated child into a mask optional environment?

People in leadership positions, whether they be football coaches, governors or even parents, look utterly foolish when they lock themselves into an inflexible approach even when it's obviously not working.

Repeating it for the umpteenth time, Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas saw his state going in the wrong direction covid-wise and reversed his ban on mask mandates.

Governor Abbott could simply have said that due to an upsurge in coronavirus cases in Texas fueled by the Delta variant, he was rethinking his policy.

Instead, Abbott has reaped lawsuits all over the state from school districts clamoring for a common sense approach, enriching the legal profession, but tying up state government.

Texans can respect a man or woman who admits to having made a mistake.

Abbott is not a god.  He's not omniscient.

Stoically refusing to change positions is not strength.  It's weakness.


  1. How dare Abbott give us the choice of wanting to wear masks or not. I want him to order me to wear a mask. I don't want to make that decision but I want to wear a mask but I want to be forced to.

    1. You totally miss the point. With this pandemic quickly getting out of hand across the country, EVERYONE needs to mask to stop the spread. Hell, kids under 12 can't even currently get vaccinated. Do you want to expose them and also their parents if they become carriers. Think this through a little more carefully.

  2. You do know that kids under 12 have a greater risk of dying from the flu or in a car wreck than from Covid right? Does it matter? What happenned to follow the science?

    1. Even if that's true, why would it make protecting children from covid-19 not important? For example, if more children percentagewise die in auto accidents than in mishandling dangerous weapons, does that mean you know longer worry about gun safety? Your question is a typical red herring. It has nothing to do with protecting the 12 and under from covid.

    2. Of course you worry about gun safety but you don't ban guns. You also let children ride in cars. You don't ban cars. I got choices for me and my children. I'm not letting the government decide for me. I can think on my own.

    3. Nice try. There are easily dozens of government safety mandates, but I'll just mention one; seat belts. Seat belts are mandatory and have been shown to decrease automobile fatalities by 45%. Yes, you can "think on your own: and not wear a seat belt, but, if caught you will pay a penalty or, if involved in a horrific accident, the ultimate penalty.
