Monday, August 23, 2021



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Fork-tongued Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick thinks if he keeps repeating an untruth often enough it may become true or at least believed by the gullible.

Yesterday, goober Dan told Fox News that African-Americans were largely to blame for the recent surge in Texas of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths do to having a large number of unvaccinated in "many states."

Well, in the state Patrick should be most concerned about, Texas, that's simply not true as about 12% of Texans are African-American with the group accounting for 10% of the deaths and 15% of the hospitalizations.

Patrick says Democrats are responsible to get more Black people vaccinated.

"The last time I checked over 90% of them vote for Democrats," Patrick said.

Then, with respect to white people getting vaccinated, Dan Patrick sings another tune: 

"But we respect the fact that if people don't want the vaccination, we're not going to force it on them," Patrick said. "That's their individual right."

What's scarier, Patrick's overt racism or the fact that he's too dumb to hide it?

1 comment:

  1. Its the democrats duty to get minorities vaccinated? This stupid fuck just told us once again that he only represents republicans (and probably only white republicans) and not Texas as a whole. Back, brown or yellow? You are not represented by the governor's office or even in the Texas senate since, check his voting record, Eddie (Sucio) Lucio Jr. is a republican in all but name.
