Sunday, August 22, 2021



"Two are better than one and a three fold cord may not quickly be broken."

Ecclesiastes 4:12

The two boys above, pictured four years ago in full frolic mode, are my legacy.  A third boy I can't talk about will join them someday soon.

While siblings are not always close, these two have an inseparable bond that won't be, can't be denied, all adult decisions aside.

After three years apart, they walked down a supermarket aisle a few days ago with arms locked around each other like they would never let go.

These two easily engender more pride than 10 Trump Towers or 10,500 Walmart Stores, as if brick and mortar, cutthroat avarice, spread sheets and opulence count for much compared to a bond of love and deoxyribonucleic acid. 

As Cat Stevens told us "it's a wild world" with "a lot of bad and beware," but my prayer is that these boys can navigate this world's land mines and find happiness and fulfillment in whatever they choose to do.


  1. 1 – 13 in ElRrunRrun
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Jim "Manteca" Barton has gone boring, Juan. His postings are amateurish, like the musings of a very old and tired old fuck.

    Ya apesta esa manteca rancia, bro!

    August 21, 2021 at 9:23 AM

    1. Duardo, your constant Jim "Manteca" Barton postings let us all know you've not drowned in your own vomit or electrocuted yourself with a sex toy. It's a way of keeping your creative juices flowing while you show us your journalistic skills.
