Wednesday, October 14, 2020



Trump Supporters Unmasked Like Their Leader


  1. The World Socialist Website ( has been commenting on this since the outset. Trump is plotting a coup d'etat to overthrow the consitution and establish a Presidential dictatorship. Proof of this has been well established in the WSWS newsletter which has cited Trump's call ( in June of this year) to enact the Insurrection Act as a way of declaring the 'election' fraudulent and setting a precedent for rounding up any and all opposition and exacting extreme torture upon his opponents. The Democrats, meanwhile, have been calling upon the military and intelligence agencies to 'extract' Trump from the White House by military force. Neither party of Wall Street and the uber wealthy ruling class will mount resistance toward Trump's coup d'etat. Trump has repeatedly called upon his supporters, including the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to 'stand by' and wait for his call for violent civil war. This is being called by the WSWS "The 2020 Civil War election" because, in reality, that is exactly what is occuring. This is the fight against the financial oligarchy and the working class. The working class must organize and intervene directly to mount a frontal assault on capitalism to achieve any beneficial change whatsoever on behalf of the working class. Those who believe the Democrats will make any change for the better are either naive or willifully ignorant. Both parties represent the wealthy ruling class and have nothing to offer the working class but austerity and the 'back to work' campaign which is already producing a stark rise in CV19 infections and deaths. The rise in Covid19 infections presently underway is already proof of this. Trump has repeatedly stated that there will be no peaceful transfer of power regardless of the outcome of the 'election'. He stands ready top declare the election, regardless of any outcome a fraud. This must be taken seriously and acted upon as such. We are staring dictatorship in the face and the Democrats are acting in lock step with this outcome.

  2. The power of a bully.
