Saturday, October 19, 2019


"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr~1849

In a community that bemoans its lack of participation by the citizenry, with roughly 10% even bothering to vote, this blog was a consistent critic of former Mayor Tony Martinez' elitist $50 per plate fancy "State of the City" events.  

While likely a mere coincidence, Martinez' final "State of the City" event in 2018, an election year, was actually free, held indoors and out at Market Square.

The October 22, 2019 version of the "State of the City," with Trey Mendez at the helm, still misses the mark of inclusiveness and such an easy opportunity to involve the common man and his family, by merely reducing the ticket price for the Tony Martinez standard of $50 to $45.  This won't be an event attended by Brownsville's hardworking, ordinary folk or their families. 

Of course, large blocks of tickets will likely be bought by corporate and taxpayer funded entities, providing complimentary tickets to city commissioners, fire and police chiefs, judges, etc., while ordinary taxpayers remain priced out of the event. 

What a missed opportunity for inclusiveness and transparency!  What a lack of insight by city leaders!


  1. What I missed in this article is who is paying for this function? Does the mayor have to pay for any of this out of his pocket?

    1. Uh, no. You pay for the bash with your taxes (and it is sort of augmented by ticket sales). Shorty Trey will be addressing the local well-to-do, not the poor (like you).

    2. @3:52 Unfortunately you missed it too. Event is sponsored by chamber of commerce. They are a non profit funded mainly by member dues. They are constantly putting on fundraisers.

      So leave the "poor" people alone. Heck, they may live happier than you.

  2. The bloggers all backed Mendez like schoolgirls. no they are disappointed in the shortboy? smh

  3. We knew this man was not better than the previous one!! Not too long ago right before he ran, he was caught chairing two committees, and had to resign on one when it was found he had a conflict of interest as he was benefiting off both, by remodeling old homes (some his very own). We knew he wouldn’t do nothing for the poor, even thought he grew up among them.
    This f...-up falls on those who voted for him!!
