Friday, May 3, 2019


Once dubbed by Blogfather Jerry McHale as "Seรฑor Abrazos y Besos", Mayor Tony Martinez, influenced by the racist Austin outfit, Message, Audience, Presentation, Inc., seems on the verge of "going low" with a planned attack on challenger Charlie Cabler.

M.A.P., Inc. may have shared poll numbers with the mayor, showing that, not only is Trey Mendez a threat to his re-election, but so is former City Manager Charlie Cabler.

As we've reported for several years, M.A.P., Inc., Tony's expensive handlers for all three election campaigns, not to mention his previous $50-per-plate State of the City extravaganzas, specializes in finagling the votes of African-Americans and Hispanics, whom they regard as "low information" voters with "low education," who need to be approached at "an appropriate grade level" so they are not intimidated.

Perhaps M.A.P., Inc. underestimated Cabler, who's forte is not campaign forums, where he simply repeats Brownsville's need for a "full-time mayor" and his ability to "work with everyone," but doesn't venture into the minutiae of commercial permit disparency between Brownsville and other RGV cities.

What M.A.P., Inc. may have overlooked is that Cabler, has been working his rear end off, reaching out, not only to mainstream voters, but holding events for Brownville's Indian and Filipino populations.

So, at this late date, Martinez, the same guy who offered his hand recently to Cabler, congratulating him on his performance at a forum, now seems on the verge of attack, something Cabler himself shares on his mayoral campaign Facebook page:

Earlier today, I received word that our desperate Mayor is launching a city-wide blitz attack ad against me. Somehow he suggests my actions as City Manager were criminal. Ridiculous to say the least. Tony, your attacks are too little, too late. You better than anyone know that your leadership has failed to move #BrownsvilleForward! You want to take credit for the MPO merger when it is documented that you were nearly removed because of your opposition to it. You claim to have had SpaceX come when we all know it was an effort led by the County. And of course, let us not forget how you paid 2.3 MILLION dollars for the Casa de Nylon when it was valued at $600,000.

You want to take credit for moving #BrownsvilleForward? You should have fixed our streets, addressed our drainage issues and provided more ambulances for our citizens. The great people of Brownsville have come to realize that you only become visible when it is election time and need our votes. As a result, you now have two very formidable opponents who are eager to change the direction of our city. It only goes to show that our community is sick and tired of your lackluster leadership. It’s time for change. It’s time to #VoteTonyOut

Charlie Cabler
#CablerForMayor #ALifetimeOfPublicService


  1. You must be new to politics. It is a rough and tumble game, Jim. Of course the mayor wants to win. What a surprise!

    1. How are things in McAllen, dumbass?

  2. Yes the polls must have shown Tony was lagging, and sure enough, on election day he didn't place first. Desperation and doubt must have set in. Although, I think Tony killed his chances of getting Charlie Cabler's support with that final dagger-in-the-back mailout attacking Charlie and the ambulances. All of this was predicted in a comment in April btw. Charlie will now turn his support over to Trey, I'm guessing. Also now that Trey has seen how Tony plays dirty, there's nothing to stop him from taking the gloves off in the final mano a mano runoff round. Maybe Charlie will offer to sponsor some attack ads on Tony as his final bow. And Tony, desperate, could go all in with the politiqueras to drum up some much needed numbers.
