Saturday, April 6, 2019


Former Mayor Pat Ahumada got the last word at the Republican Club of Brownsville Candidate Forum at the Central Library.

Pat Ahumada
"Let me tell you, I've attended a lot of forums, but this one was, by far, the best so far," said former Mayor Pat Ahumada, now running for City Commissioner, District 2.

That may have been a sincere compliment or Ahumada simply showing his Republican roots.

Speaking of Republicans, did anyone find it curious that almost no prominent local Republicans, several who've run for office locally, were in attendance?

No Tad Hasse.  No Adela Garza.  No Carlos Cascos.  Not even Cameron County Republican Chair Morgan Cisneros Graham made the meeting.

Carlos Guerrero
Also, notably absent was At Large "A" City Commissioner Candidate Carlos Guerrero, the only candidate to miss the forum today and also the only no-show for the Realtors Forum a couple days ago.

We did stop and visit with the always-gracious Guerrero and wife Monica, who were holding a loterΓ­a mexicana at an event center on Boca Chica, yet, without attending the campaign forums, is it possible for Guerrero to share his vision for the City of Brownsville?

In an incident deserving recognition, Mayor Tony Martinez, knowing that John Cowen had to to depart for a wedding, yielded the floor to Cowen at 3:50 PM, to allow him to squeeze in a comment before leaving.  Very classy, Tony!

While these forums in their totality tend to be repetitive, there were some unique statements made today:

John Cowen
John Cowen(candidate for City Commissioner At Large "A")"One of our city's biggest problems is the brain drain.  We spend hundreds of millions of dollars to educate our children, only to have them leave the city to find employment."

Cowen also noted that he had a client lined up ready to bring a very large company to Brownsville, but he could not even get a return call from the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

Trey Mendez
Trey Mendez(mayoral candidate)"I've been a lifelong Democrat, but I've voted for Republicans.  I vote for the person not the party.  Yet, I'm the most fiscally conservative candidate for mayor.  

During my nine years as a Texas Southmost College trustee, we've held the tax rate steady, lowered tuition 37%, yet given our employees a raise each year."

Mendez described the Gladys Porter Zoo as the city's leading tourist attraction, "bringing in $26 million last year," adding that it has not been revamped since its construction in 1971.

Commissioner Tetreau
Jessica Tetreau(Incumbent City Commissioner, District 2)"I'm the only candidate who can say she spent over 100 hours painting over graffiti in our city."

Something Tetreau may not have meant the way it came out:  "I've been your commissioner for eight years and I hope you will elect me for another eight years."  

Is she already declaring for 2023?

Mayor Martinez
Mayor Tony Martinez:  "I'd like to report that SpaceX had a successful test this past Wednesday.  As a mayor, you keep up with things like this."

Martinez included in his accomplishments:  bringing in SpaceX, resaca restoration and underground utilities into downtown.

Jessica Puente Bradshaw
Jessica Puente Bradshaw(candidate for City Commissioner At Large "A"): Bradshaw used a chart graph to suggest pulling money from the cultural category to public safety to employ more police in the city.

"McAllen offers small business owners 0% interest loans up to $250,000.  Weslaco, San Benito and other valley cities are also considering this, but the idea was turned down by Brownsville," she stated.  

Charlie Cabler
Charlie Cabler(candidate for mayor)Cabler restated Brownsville's need for a "full-time mayor" and his willingness to work with anyone to move the city forward.  The former city manager also mentioned his service on the Space Board.

Caty Presas
Caty Presas(candidate for City Commissioner, District 2)Presas emphasized her role as a realtor and promised to "not just cover over the potholes in District 2, but totally repair the streets."

William Garza
William Garza(candidate for City Commissioner, District 1)Garza reiterated his promise to set up a city office in District 1.  He also had the presence of mind to remind Master of Ceremonies Luis Cavazos that he'd forgotten to start with the candidates' opening statements.

Nurith Galonsky
Nurith Galonsky(candidate for City Commissioner, District 1)Galonsky spoke of the "decimation" of the former UT-RGV East Campus, suggesting the city set up a committee to address the school's needs, even finding more downtown property, if necessary.  


  1. I’m with Trey and Tetreau! I’m still undecided in da at large race.

  2. I worked at BISD for 20+ years and myself along with my co workers came together to get rid of Luci “Lucifer” Longoria and Cata “La Rata” Presas. Go ahead and re watch the televised meetings and results from grievances. From paraprofessionals, principals, vendors, and even parents...,,,, we all have have something to say and we will make sure this woman is not elected to commissioner. I will bring 100 people to the poles to vote against La Rata!

  3. Galonsky showed her ignorance on the status of the UTRGV campus. Their enrollment is falling so why try to give them more land? Sounds too much like the Tony Martinez way of thinking. She lost my vote. I’m with Longoria now.

  4. As a fiscally responsible Democrat, running for city commissioner district-2, I found the forum non partisan, very well organized, well attended, good moderator, and very good questions with no hidden agendas or biases by the hosting party. Good public service forum and hope more would be held like this one. All questions were directed to all candidates. Very good forum. Thank you for covering the event.

    1. Y el cheque, Papa? Y los DWIs pinche quarterback?

  5. Y el cheque que?

  6. Pete Gonzalez is the most respected and educated man from within the city!

  7. Asked and answered. Jim made reference to you and the check in his podcast. He also made reference to the check when I said I was beyond reproach in doing what is right for our city and says that I am not above reproach because i was accused and that it does not matter if I was found not guilty. So, this must be worth beating a dead horse over and over again by asking and making references to something that happens every day in banking.

    No one can say I dont stand up for Brownsville against special interest, or that my policies and initiatives introduced are with the intent to build a better Brownsville. Amazing how you both seem to focus on the check, but cannot come up with anything that I did for personal gain or to benefit special interest at the expense of our city. I like how he asked me about the check and never asked the incumbent about her transgressions and connections to special interest. e that pales when compared to the work Could it be the preference is corruption? You cast stones, but based on what moral authority? Look yourself! So, vote for corruption. Simple, you have a choice. So dont pretend you want honest and transparent government, because my track record is honest and transparent government.

    1. Y el cheque que? I'd say depositing a check that isn't yours into your personal account WAS FOR PERSONAL GAIN. How many hot checks did you cover with that deposit?

  8. Pat do not pay attention to these losers, they prefer someone who will do nothing for Brownsville. Their opinion does not matter, what matters is doling what you do for the animals and for those of us who know you will not sell us out.

  9. Y el cheque que?

  10. Pat, myself and almost everyone I associate with will not be voting for you. You've run in the last five elections and FAILED.
    Please stop wasting our time and embarrassing yourself. How do you earn your living? Are you on disability? Be truthful and tell us who the hell is putting you up to finding a seat on the commission or is it your own stupidity?

  11. Carlos Guerrero for At Large A. With out a doubt.
