Monday, March 4, 2019


Mr. Amigo 2018,  Arturo Elias Ayub

El Rrun Rrun's Juan Montoya reports that Arturo Elias Ayub, the 2018 Mr. Amigo, perhaps tiring of his role in promoting the symbiotic Brownsville-Matamoros relationship, bolted for Mexico City before honoring the thousands flooding the banks of Elizabeth Street on Saturday with an appearance for what is incorrectly dubbed the Grand International Parade.(The parade no longer extends into downtown Matamoros as in previous years.)

Mr. Ayub's abbreviated appearance did benefit the city, according to Mayor Martinez, who revealed during Sunday's Whine and Cheez podcast that Mr. Amigo and the mayor had exchanged "contact information" during a brief interaction.

"This is a relationship that could benefit Brownsville for years to come," the mayor explained.

Arturo Trevino, chairman of the GBIC Board and owner of Mr. Levi's drive-thru beer and wine outlets, strongly promoted Arturo Ayub's selection as "good for business."

Podmaster and BISD Board Member Erasmo Castro described Ayub as "down to earth" during Sunday's podcast.

The Brownsville Herald's headline writer, not reading Steve Clark's article carefully enough, described Ayub as "55 years old," when, what Steve actually wrote in the article is that Ayub was the "55th Mr. Amigo."  Mr. Ayub is 52.


  1. He hated every minute in Brownsville and could not stand being around the Mr. Amigo association people.

  2. You ducked the story all up again Jimbo. First off... Arturo Treviรฑo is not on GBIC, you bumbling dummy... and his business is Los Trevis... not Levis.... you can’t even copy and paste correctly, dude!
