Friday, October 19, 2018


Kids in Colonia
Muรฑiz, just outside McAllen, 
know better than to go near the rusty cabin of el viejo sucio, less they be cursed at or, worse yet, have rocks flung at them from the gnarled hands of the scary man.

"Sal de aquรญ, putos bastardos podridos!" he has screamed at kids who forgot to go the long way around and got too close to danger.

Edward "No Paz" Kazeenskee
Little Cariรฑa would ask her mom "¿Por quรฉ es tan malo el viejo?" 

Her mom would shrug her shoulders and say: "la vida puede ser dura, mi chica." 

Some say it was a plump nurse in Kyle, Tejas who, not only kicked him out of her house, but stopped making payments on the Kia sports car she'd bought him, that so embittered the 76 year old grump.  

Little Cariรฑa Near her Home
No one would suspect anyone would rent the old storage building from Tia Rosa, the place Tio Nacho used to keep his lawnmower, rakes and shovels.  

But Tia had no use for it now.  A neighbor boy cuts her yard and, besides, as she told her daughters:  "Veinticinco dรณlares por semana serรกn por muchas tortillas."

Only the yellow extension cord plugged in at Tia Rosa's back porch, running all the way to the old shed, would make anyone believe someone might be living there.

A neighbor boy told me that sometimes the old man would crack open his door just enough to give kids the mal de ojo and, of course, no one wants that.


  1. Again, Jim? This guy does not deserve another word from you. Why do you keep egging him on? smh

    1. Thanks for the compliment, but this is from my collection of children's stories, self-published in one volume, "The Ocelot in the Sombrero." Like all self-published works, we print as soon as your check or debit card clears. . .LOL

  2. This is as bad, if not worse, than the talentless hack from Kyle via Fort Worth. This is not a compliment.

  3. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, pleaded with the American public on Friday to head to the polls and vote against the President and the Republican Party, predicting that if they did not, there would be two or six more years of “craziness.”

    “Listen, here’s my recommendation. Grab your family, grab your friends, grab your neighbors, and get to the poll, because if not, you are going to have another two or another six years of this craziness,” Cohen told CNN in a brief interview outside of his Manhattan home. “So, make sure you vote. All right?”

  4. Jerry McHale's books are self-published.

  5. Rep. Beto O’Rourke is the one to lead Texas in the right direction for all the people. Ted Cruz said his father came here from Cuba in 1957 and became a citizen legally. Is it not true that refugees from Cuba who were fleeing to escape danger or persecution were welcome over our borders? They were not called criminals or deported and did not have their children taken from them.

    This daughter of immigrants will cast her vote for Beto O’Rourke.

  6. This vato is as ugly as his house!
