Monday, October 8, 2018


"Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other."

Paul's First Letter to the Congregation in Corinth(the Corinthians), Chapter Four, Verse Six

Brother Cascos Doing the Lord's Work
For a politico to have an all-volunteer army, that is, no phone bankers, block walkers or sign holders drawing even minimum wage, is a credit to his track record, charisma or ability to rally.  In the case of County Judge candidate Carlos Cascos, it's likely the first of the three, not saying he doesn't have some personal charm or oratorical skill.

Yessiree Bob, true believers slaving for zero is living testimony to a depth of commitment beyond the norm and Cascos claims that such unpaid support differentiates his followers from the disciples of his opponent, County Judge incumbent, Eddie Trevino, Jr., the Adversary.

Notice Cascos' subtle jab, aimed at the Trevino flock, posted on Facebook a few days ago: 

Carlos Cascos
October 3 at 1:02 PM ·
"Stop #15..corner of Central & Boca Chica.....if you have to pay people to support you, there's something wrong. My campaign relies on volunteers..those that help because they believe in me & honest, transparent government."

Our followup question was simple and direct:  "No phone bankers?"  

Hector Cascos, brother of the candidate, responded quickly"  "Volunteers!"

Brother Hector's response is likely accurate given the current 2018 Cascos' campaign, but Sister Terry Fradey, a former party leader, wanted to give some historical perspective, and, in doing so, we believe violated St. Paul's edict above "not to go beyond the things written."

Kindly, note the consecrated Sister Frady's remarks:  
Sister Terry Frady

"Always has been volunteers! I know, I was there since Cascos was a democrat! It takes a lot for a republican to volunteer and to vote for a democrat. Hopefully, democrats will realize Cascos is the same person. One of the best Cameron County Judges ever, no matter which side he runs in. Cascos doesn't do things for political reasons. Cascos does what is best for the people, and for the County. Vote Carlos Cascos!

As God is my witness, that just ain't so, Sister Frady!  One of my closest friends received a large sum from one of those Cascos' campaigns you reference to disperse among phone bankers.  

Another friend recalls being such a phone banker herself in Cascos campaign of yesteryear.

And to top that off, Sister Frady, Nena and I passed on the glorious service of working as phone bankers for minimum wage during a Brother Cascos campaign.

From the editor:  While not intentionally trying to hurt the feelings of retired BISD teacher Frady, if we don't fact check entries to a Carlos Cascos Facebook post by his own Republican brethren, who will? 

Sister Morgan Cisneros Graham, party chair, posted directly below Ms. Frady and seemed to not give one whit about the inaccuracy, not to mention the apparent disregard for Scripture.

Lord have mercy!



  1. Is your point Cascos is telling the truth?

  2. What are you trying to say? Did Bobby write this?

  3. Are you assuming graham read it?

  4. Graham read Frady’s comment because they’re friends, dork.

    1. In other words you don’t know

  5. Did Cascos hire a consultant to harvest these volunteers?

  6. The city chapin pastor ain’t got nutin’ on dis man’s here spich talky.

  7. How about hiding in the rafters?
