Tuesday, February 20, 2018


From the editor: The commentary below was sent to us anonymously. We post it here as it relates to the local Republican primary race for a position on the Texas State Board of Education and should create some dialogue about the candidates Tad Hasse and Eric Garza: 

Tuesday is the start of early voting in the Texas Primaries. As has been the growing trend, roughly 60% or maybe more voters will choose to vote early “and often” as politicos like to say.

That is why it’s paramount to discuss what has and hasn’t happened during the campaign up to this point in particular the race for Texas State Board of Education District 2 on the Republican side.

This blog was privy to various tit for tat
Tad Hasse
commentary and articles regarding the race between unknown lightweight Eric Garza and computer expert and local Republican party officer Charles “Tad” Hasse.

Garza is tied for better or worse to Adela Garza who floundered her opportunity to be the Republican nominee for Congress some years back against a little known Jessica Puente Bradshaw. Eric Garza in his campaign to crawl out from Adela’s shadow failed on multiple fronts to differentiate himself from anything other than a gadfly trying to get a smiley face grade in kindergarten.
Eric Garza

Eric Garza never had any plan or intention of winning the general. He didn’t timely submit his nomination for treasurer even though he publicly announced his full intention to run for this office. He essentially violated state rules in campaigning without a treasurer on file with the Texas Ethics Commission. This demonstrates his lackluster organization and how he was never a serious candidate.

The incumbent in the race is Ruben Cortez, a well known Democrat from the deep blue Rio Grande Valley. The Brownsville resident is a seasoned campaigner with the ability to fundraiser and defeat a candidate like Eric Garza in the general election. Eric Garza has NEVER responded with a plan to win in November.
Ruben Cortez

The Republicans of the 17 counties that encompass Texas State Board of Education District 2 would be foolish and downright dumb to nominate a neophyte like Eric Garza.

On the other hand, Republicans would be wise to consider and vote for Charles “Tad” Hasse, a well known politico from Brownsville in Cameron County, the seat of TSBOE 2. His friendship with officeholders and politicos on both sides of the aisle would pay dividends in the general election. It’s clear based on voting patterns that the right Republican can and should win in a midterm election in this TSBOE district. Hasse offered a campaign plan that includes grassroots, advertising, and political connections to beat Cortez in the general election.

Hasse’s technological expertise will also help in his campaign and more importantly once in office. His strategy focusing on his mathematical background and the lack of a mathematician on the statewide board that selects textbooks and plans for the educational standards of the second largest state in the United States is, for lack of a better word, genius. Tad Hasse has all the intangibles that Eric Garza does not.

With his team of support in all 17 counties, Tad Hasse can count on a historical upset victory come this November but only if he wins his party’s nomination in March. Anything but an overwhelming support for Hasse in the Republican Primary would be a mistake the Republicans can little afford to make.


  1. You're kidding! Hasse is pro-Trump! Make you your mind already!!!!!!

  2. Ruben is looking for the big trough, the pig! Worthless piece of sh-it

  3. Eric and Ruben look like long lost brothers in those pictures

  4. How dare you leave out Dr. Michelle Davila from your endorsement, Mr. Barton! She’s the most qualified, and you ignore her. Is it because she’s a woman? Shame on you.

    1. It's a matter of basic reading comprehension.

      First of all, I did not write this article. It was contributed by a reader. It discusses the Republican Primary only.

      Dr. Davila, as a Democrat, is not participating in the Republican Primary.

  5. Pure garbage Barton.

    1. Garbage, by it's very nature, is never "pure." Try again.



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