Saturday, February 17, 2018


It would have been there for the taking, an easy slam.

Had the Parkland massacre occurred during the Republican primary in 2016, Trump might have hinted that the little fart who killed 17 students in Florida's Broward County, Nikolas Cruz, was somehow related to Senator Ted Cruz.

It would have been a more believable story than the one Trump told during the campaign, alleging that Ted Cruz's dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, a little tid bit Trump gleaned from the National Enquirer and revealed in an interview with Fox News: 

“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,” Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”

“I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?” Trump continued. “It’s horrible.”

In any other year or any other campaign, Trump would have been laughed off the political stage, instantly disqualified, unfit for office, but truth, facts, even slander are viewed differently now.

"It was social media," explained Diego Lee Rot, 46, someone from a different generation than mine.  

"People got accustomed to reading and believing fabricated reports and running with them as gospel," Rot explained.

The strangest and most obvious hypocrisy is the support Trump gets from the religious right.  They could not care less about Trump's lifestyle or constant lying as long as he appoints judges who will oppose abortion, same-sex marriage and gun control.

As one teacher explained it:  "We elected a president, not a pastor."

Even some of the most religious women in our community are dyed-in-the-wool Trumpites.  We include this quote from a 2016 Brownsville Observer article:

It just seems odd, incongruous, that professedly Christian women, who would not tolerate a Playboy magazine in their house or apartment, read the Bible daily and pray nightly, would unhesitatingly identify themselves with a man so openly disrespectful of women, minorities, the disabled and even war heroes like John McCain.

Letty Garzoria-Perez
Among others, my friend, Letty Perez-Garzoria, comes to mind. Letty plays piano for weekly services at the West Brownsville Iglesia Bautista, knows the Word like the back of her hand and would take a nickel found in an H.E.B. parking lot to the store office. In other words, Ms. Garzoria, a widow, is the epitome of Biblical morality.

Yet, the virtuous Garzoria posts daily timelines on Facebook extolling the virtues of Trump, many being articles from the online vehicle, Liberty Writers News.

Jessica Puente-Bradshaw
Another friend, Jessica Puente-Bradshaw, once named as one of the
"Hottest Republican Politicians in the U.S.," a former congressional opponent of Filemon Vela and a candidate for several other local offices, like Ms. Garzoria, pushes daily the Trump candidacy.

Bradshaw, who would slap the shit out of Trump if he tried to grab anything, is a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica is anything but hot and a cancer to the Republican Party as a whole but especially Cameron.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...