Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How Will Unresigned City Commissioner Cesar de Leon Make a Living?

Cesar de Leon Running for Office
Cesar de Leon has many friends who want him to succeed.

Who else among us could summon two dozen St. Josephites to a City Commission meeting to clap, hoop and holler our version of the Commissioner's Activity Update, our essential statement to "stay and fight?"

But, that euphoria has passed.  In the real world, Cesar de Leon must make a living.  He owes Gilberto Hinojosa $781.98 every month until January 1, 2037 for his house on E. St. Charles St.  He has a secretary to pay, not to mention groceries, gas, dry cleaning and cable TV.

District Attorney Luis V. Saenz
District Attorney Luis V. Saenz put a crimp in Cesar's cash flow opportunities when he presented him with an injunction against practicing law in Municipal Court, his favorite and most comfortable venue.  Cesar, blindsided, with no prepared legal argument to counteract the seasoned County/District Attorney, acquiesced, legal tail 'tween his legs.

Cesar exercised what seemed to be his only option; resignation, but he heard many well-wishers, supporters, saying Brownsville needed him and a few legal minds saying he could rescind his resignation.

After all, three county commissioners/attorneys, Alex Dominguez, Eddie Trevino and Gus Ruiz had been given wavers to practice in county court.  Why was Cesar de Leon singled out and stymied on a claim of "conflict of interest?"  Why was Cesar de Leon not given a waver to practice law, enabling him to make a living?

Of course, Cesar has been his own worst enemy, calling Judge De Coss, who handles roughly half the cases in Municipal Court, "his boy"on the notorious 4-1/2 hour audio tape recorded by Carlos Elizondo.  Based on Cesar's brags, any combination of Cesar de Leon as attorney and Rene De Coss as judge  is an affront to justice.

De Leon's words limit him to working only those cases NOT officiated by Judge De Coss.

What a life lesson that words matter!


  1. If the county commissioners that practice law in the county get a waiver from Saenz to continue practicing law in county courts, Cesar should too.

    If Cesar gets the boot out of lawyering in city court, the county commissioner lawyers should too.

    Fair is fair Saenz.

    Team Sylvia

    1. Team Sylvia is on its way out! Lali is kicking your ass with her campaign. All the people Sylvia has pissed off were at Lali’s party signing up to contribute and volunteer. Enjoy your last few days in office. You’re going down like Cesar, Jessica and Elizondo.



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