Thursday, September 21, 2017

Elizondo, Is Jessica Tetreau Kalifa Talking About You????????

"As many of you are not aware of, there is a major criminal investigation currently taking place at the city. On many occasions, certain commissioners were asked to stop or change the direction of the investigation and the probe of who was being looked at. When we refused to comply, we were threatened, and what you are seeing is a result. At our commission meeting on Tuesday, our audit findings will be made public."

Jessica Tetreau Kalifa


  1. Jessica doesn't repudiate the vile racist comments of Cesar. No. She doubles down and says they were being threatened (blackmailed?). Did Elizondo force Cesar to call black attorneys fucking niggers, Jessica?



  2. Cesar and Jessica need to resign.

    Carlos Cabler should too.

  3. They need not resign moron! Finally we have a commission that is willing to speak out on all of this BULLSHIT!! Get over the use of the DAMN "N" word much more serious shit was revealed on the recordings. People who want Cesar to resign are in cohoots with the CORRUPT GROUP of Politicians!! Pafuckingthetic!!

  4. Honestly, I like Jessica. She has tremendous accomplishments under her belt but has always had her haters. I've never understood what she does that intimidates men around her (not you Jim) but, I believe Erasmos Castro just hates her because he's never won an election (or erection)... and never will.

    I hope Jessica understands how important her role is in exposing the corruption. We deserve to know what those audits found and why commissioners were asked to interfere in a criminal investigation.

  5. Honestly I think Anonymous 10:07 & especially 10:20 are Jessica chiming in because she hates Erasmo. She's jealous of his social media clout. Unlike drama queens he doesn't need a new purse or dye job to feel better about himself.

    The writing is on the wall with Carlos. Saenz is doing just fine without her or Cesar's help. So do us all a favor and resign. Jessica embarrassed the city by supporting Cesar, Brownsville's version of Donald Trump. Loser!

    1. Erasmo,

      I'm not Jessica and in fact I don't even know her. But I do know about your checks, queen.


  6. Has Jessica denounced Cesar yet?


  7. Right on anonymous 11:18.

    Has any commissioner condemned Cesar for calling black attorneys niggers yet?

    Where's the mayor?

  8. Why does everyone want to know what Jessica says about all of this horse shit? Who fucking cares? I want to know what the fuck our mayor is saying about all of this??? Charles Cabler the damn city manager???

  9. Jessica announced her support for Cesar in the Herald after it came out he called black attorneys niggers. It didn't matter what he said about blacks in Brownsville because he's the bestest person ever. That's kind of a big fucking deal!

    A city commissioner supports a racist and his rants in this day and age is newsworthy. Some of us will not stand with the confederates, the KKK, Jim Crows, and the racist enablers on our city commissioner. That's why we have to demand Cesar's resignation and any elected official who will not defend those poor black attorneys against this injustice and foul language.

  10. Jessica claims there's a criminal investigation going on at the city. The audit committee will release its findings on Tuesday.

    Is the audit committee made up of law enforcement or city commissioners and city employees? If no law enforcement is on the
    audit committee, how is it able to conduct a criminal investigation?

  11. Oh no, Jim, your post is bringing out the Jessica groupies. She must be worried about the backlash for supporting a racist. Bring out the clowns!

  12. Let me set something straight for you fucking idiots. Just because you use the N word does not mean you are a RACIST!! Many blacks refer to themselves as niggers, many other races use the term nigger when greeting each other it is common in this day and age. May not be politically correct but it does not make you a RACIST because you use the fucking word. Give me a break. You people are fucking ignorant and need to focus on all the bullshit that Cesar talked about during the recording. Unless you don't mind these politicians wasting your tax paying dollars. Stupidity that is what you people are that focus on the N word

    1. The fact that he had to use the N word to describe female, black assistant district attorneys is racist. All because he probably didn't get the deal he wanted for his criminal client. This was the theme of the taped conversation -- Cesar not getting what he wants and attacking everyone around him. His conversational demeanor and dubbing himself the first non-corrupt city commissioner conflict. A non-corrupt elected official (Cesar) doesn't turn a blind eye to all the alleged corruption he spouts off. A non-corrupt elected official doesn't look for reciprocal benefit when dealing with community members and peers. A non-corrupt elected official doesn't demand he be treated like a master. The only ignorant person here is Cesar De Leon.

  13. The assistant district attorneys Cesar speaks racially about are also women. It is beyond me that after listening to the entire recording that anyone, especially a woman, would publicly continue to support Cesar. Cesar also admits to sharing executive session items and discussions in his conversation, he self-righteously elevates himself over his peers and speaks freely about first-hand corruption accounts, but has done nothing to publicly shed light on them. His focus is self benefit and seeks, or rather, demands, he be worshiped as an elected official. The other side of the coin is why he would feel so comfortable saying those things to the other party. Both parties have tremendously hurt Brownsville as this story continues to garner national attention.

  14. Jessica only cares about herself. She doesn't care to defend minorities unless it benefits her too. That's why she doesn't care they were black, women or both.

  15. Just like Trump, you're never getting rid of Cesar or Jessica.

  16. Jessica,
    Will you be teaching your kids that loyalty to a friend is more important than morals, ethics, and values tonight at the dinner table? Are you implying to all children that it is ok to be racist when you are in private behind close doors or out in the ranch with colleagues? Please clarify.

    -Constituent and co-parent at your kids elementary school.

    1. Stupid question!! Jessica has demonstrated by her acts of kindness and her service to the community what values she teaches her children. She comes from a family that did the same. Maybe you should see that she also teaches her children that people day things in private, out of frustration that they don't mean and we should give them a chance to redeem themselves.

      Constituent of Jessica's also

    2. You forgot to mention:

      Beats her husband.

      Claims she is always being stalked and has Brownsville PD parked outside her home often for personal security.

      Doesn't pay her employees the federal minimum wage.

      Has always been vindictive with city employees who don't care to please her childish needs.

      Claims to be leading efforts at the airport but hasn't been to an advisory board meeting in years.

      Has no real job or education but feels entitled to ruin people's careers if they don't cater to her.

      Broke up a family with her golddigging greed.


      ...all of this out of the kindness of her hear.

  17. The theme of the conversation was a double office position. For 4 hours



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