Tuesday, June 20, 2017

City Commission Gives Lukewarm, Tacit Support to Broadcast of Public Comment

City Attorney Mark Sossi
City Attorney Mark Sossi, presenting Agenda Item #14 about the broadcast of public comment, a first reading, had a tiny legal assignment for Tuesday's meeting, amending the applicable City Code.  His efforts were appropriately miniscule. He moved up the time to sign up for public comment by one hour and gave preference to public commenters not participating in the last 30 days.

"Since this means that the City Secretary will have to scan the list of those on public comment in the last four meetings, I suggest we move up the signing for public comment to 5:00 PM, not 6:00 PM", stated the attorney. 

Actually, Mark was incorrect.  The city only has two commission meetings per month, not four, so there would only be two meetings to research, ten signees to scan, but whatever.  He gets paid the big bucks.  LOL!

City Secretary Griselda Rosas now has one hour to scan ten names to determine which commenters get priority. Brownsville taxpayers merely have to come an hour early if they wish to participate in public comment.  Hopefully, none have jobs preventing them from being at City Hall by 5:00 PM.  Once signing in, they can cool their heels for an hour in the City Commission chambers by fawning over the portraits of Brownsville's previous mayors.

The agenda item, presented by Sossi, a first reading, was not voted on, but, unnecessarily commented on by city commissioners revealing skins as thin as Trump and still lacking basic understanding of participatory democracy.  Small-minded, thin-skinned, the commissioners stated their REAL view of public commenters.


Commissioner Rose Gowen
Always arrogant Rose Gowen pontificated that public commenters were "personality building, especially those who comment again and again."

What the hell!

The kid, Cesar de Leon offered:  "The moment they drift, we can step in."

"Why should commenters hold 240,000 hostage?" quaked the young de Leon.  

Drift?  I wish we citizens could cancel your ticket whenever you drift, which is frequently, young man!

Commissioner Jessica Tetreau
Commissioner Tetreau only hoped that commenters would "stay on topic, be respectful.  It's not comedy hour.  We need guidelines.  It's not a spectacle," she stated.

Commissioner Ricky Longoria wanted taxpayers to know that it's not "a comment circuit."  

He wants anyone who comments to "stay for the entire meeting," claiming he's watched some comment at the city commission, then take their diatribe to the Brownsville Independent School District, who hold meetings on the same night.

Ricky was referring, obliquely, to his "educator," former teacher Roberto Uresti, a frequent public commenter.

Longoria continued:  "They rattle our cage and then, go rattle their cage."

Yes, public comment will eventually be part of the telecast just like the sage words of the mayor and commissioners.  It's just a bit disconcerting that their heart is not in it.  They still don't understand what the word "democracy" means and possibly, never will.


  1. Miracle you quoted Jessica T Jim. Just watch and remember what I type. The 1st person that criticizes Jessica she will have it put back on the agenda to have it removed. All the commissioners starting with Jessica only want people to praise them by stating how great they are. Anyone not on the same page will be told not to comment again. This includes you Jim. That is what they are scared of. People criticizing them on their shenanigans.

  2. The CCC are all a joke, the city communist commissioners are idiots, the spend taxpayers money on their stupid projects and than criticize the public speakers for correcting them of their stupid mistakes. Wake up Jessica, you helping yourself not the citizens of Brownsville



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